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Y/n ended up staying and watching the girls' practice

The whole time Y/n felt really embarrassed for being disrespectful towards managernim. Even though the girls' had reassured Y/n that Y/n always used to stand up for Haerin like that.

- Y/N POV -

I watched as the girls finished up their dance practice.

Each girl broke off to drink water then regrouped, seemingly wanting to continue their practice.

I sighed, realizing I had to wait a little longer to go home.

"Alright, just 30 more minutes. Okay, Y/n?" Minji told me.

Haerin turned to signal me a 3 and a 0 with her fingers.

I chuckled a bit, but ultimately it caused me to sulk again.

"She's silly," I could remember my letters saying.

By now, I had probably memorized each letter, note, and picture I had left behind for myself.

Although.... it was all in vein.

I couldn't recover memories that I've never had.

The girls soon took a break.

Hanni and Minji continued to synchronize their moves while Dani slid to a corner to do a plank and Hyein drank some water. Haerin on the other hand....

She walked over to sit on the floor next to me.

"I'm sorry I embarrassed you," I whispered in shame as she sat down.

Haerin suddenly kissed my cheek and rested her head on my shoulder. "It's okay. Thank you for protecting me," she whispered.

I froze for a second, feeling myself get extremely flustered.

This was the first time that Haerin had ever kissed me.

It made me want to melt, cry, and kiss her all at the same time.

"You've always made me feel safe. I feel safe when you're around," Haerin told me.

"I've never had to hide who I really am from you. You always accept me for who I am. You make me feel like a real person," Haerin whispered as she scooted closer to me.

I took a deep breath.

Living in my own shadow felt like a lot of pressure...

"What if I can't live up to who I used to be?".... Or.... "What if I disappoint everybody?"

I constantly had thoughts like that lately.

"Do me a favor?" I finally spoke back.

Haerin just nodded against my shoulder.

"Don't ever mask anything around me. If you're ears are hurting, don't act like they're not. If you don't like the texture of a food or clothes or the sensation of my hands on your skin.... then tell.. please don't mask any of your habits... just to seem "normal" to me. I don't want that. I want the real you," I told her.

"Okay," Haerin whispered.

She didn't move or have any sort of reaction but her answer was enough for me.

I kissed the top of her head to return her kiss then rested my head on hers as her head laid on my shoulder.

A familiar melody suddenly started to play and I felt everyone in the room turn to look at me.

"I can't go back now
Nothing's the same
But I won't forget how
You called my name
When I was afraid
And now I'm afraid...,"

Haerin suddenly started to sing.

"Woah, her voice is so angelic!" I felt my heart began to race.

"Will you remember me?
Will you remember the way that I was?
Will you remember me?
Will you remember the way that you felt when you're next to me?"

I started to sing along with Haerin, wrapping my arms around her as we leaned on each other.

The song that was playing had become a comfort song for me. 

One day I woke up and I couldn't remember anything. I looked at the phone I had awoken next to and it was the first thing I saw when I opened it.

"Will you remember?
Do you remember me?
Will you remember?
Do you remember me?"

I felt an odd sense of comfort.

This felt like a really odd situation, yet it couldn't feel more destined.

The autistic kid with the kid who couldn't remember.









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