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Y/n and Haerin were still fighting in the hall, while Dani continued to yell at Hanni in the detention room.

No one was listening to the other. There was just yelling going on about.

- Haerin POV -

"Let's just break up," I told y/n-ssi.

"Haerin, no! I don't want that!" Y/n yelled.

I didn't want to do this anymore.

I was constantly stressed.

"Baby, please!" Y/n-ssi kept begging.

"Stop yelling!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

My ears were ringing. My heart was racing. All I wanted was to cry and scream and throw a tantrum.

I was so overwhelmed by every emotion I was feeling. So, I just ended up breaking down... falling to my knees.

"You could do so much better than me," I sobbed out.

"You could date someone who isn't so difficult to date. Someone who can understand what you need or what you want. Someone people don't assume is a charity case or too slow to at understanding everything," I cried out.

Suddenly, I felt pressure on my ears and everything started to go muffled.

I looked up to find that y/n had put my ear warmers on.

I sniffled, not understanding what was going on... but I suddenly found myself getting picked off the floor and being carried in y/n's arms.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I don't want anyone else. So, we're gonna go home and relax and we'll talk this out when we're both calm," Y/n-ssi answered.

I was too physically and emotionally exhausted to protest. So, I just held y/n-ssi tightly.

- Y/N POV -

I walked back to the detention room to get my bag... with Haerin in my arms.

"Y/n-ssi, I'm so sorry!" Hanni blurted out as we walked into the room.

"You need to apologize to Haerin, more than you need to apologize to me," I coldly answered her.

"I know. Haerin-ei, I'm sorry too!" Hanni-ssi responded.

Haerin just hid her fluffy red face into my neck.

"You made her feel like she's not enough," I told Hanni with a death glare.

"Haerin and I were just starting to get comfortable with each other. She was just starting to trust that I don't want anyone else and you ruined all of that," I coldly spoke before starting to carry Haerin home.

Halfway through the walk home, Haerin-ei started to snore.

"She must have been exhausted from all the crying," I thought to myself.

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