3 ~ Raiden Shogun

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Siph was slowly pacing herself around the vast forests with glowing blue flowers and fruit trees all around, where the fireflies seemed to entangle her into the majesty itself, making the forest almost surreal. Yet, no matter the beauty that was standing near the trees and the bushes, it still hid danger within those broad leaves. 

"You there, it's dangerous!" a voice immerged behind the Pyro archon as she sat on the edge of the cliff, admiring the view. 

It was a passerby who decided to come and check out what a young figure like Siph was trying to do on the edge of the cliff. She wasn't planning on jumping, right?

"It's alright, I'm fine. Thank you for your worry, mister," she responded, with a slight turn of her shoulder to see the elderly man, arching down with the support of the branch that he held in his right hand, lightly patting the back with the left to presumably to relieve the pain accumulated from old age. 

"Youngsters," he sighed, and continued to walk on. 

Siph got up, deciding to go back to the estate, it wasn't too far, right around the corner. 

"Is anyone there?" a yell echoed in the forest. It was weak.

At first, Siph got startled, but followed the direction of the sound. 

When she arrived, she saw Heizou being tangled up by some of the vines, slightly above the ground, hanging there, upside-down. 

"Huh?" she mumbled. 

"Mind giving a hand?" he asked politely. Weak smug is all around his face, still cheeky as ever.

Siph was confused understanding. Heizou was quite a strong Anemo user. Could it be that this vine is immune to Anemo? Then how did he get trapped? 

Not many things made sense, but she wouldn't want to drag it any longer. She came closer to the vine to set it on fire. 

"Wait, don't come closer or you will get trapped," Heizou warned the woman that was bravely walking to him, like a toddler that saw the world as only unicorns and rainbows.

"I'll be fine," she commented shortly, setting her right palm on the thickest vine. It yelped, painfully wriggling, with some parts starting to burn. It seemed to disintegrate into some black dust, carried by the wind. 

In a moment, the vine completely was burned, and Heizou was released. 

Siph knew that Heizou won't catch himself in such short period of time, especially when he seemed so tired and drained. She landed him a hand and softened his fall. 

"Thank you, I'm Heizou. Shkanoin Heizou."

The man was still laying on Siph's lap, unable to get up right at this moment gazing right into the sky, with few dark brown strands of hair landing on his face. His eyes were those to emeralds and his whole aesthetic made Siph remember how attractive he was. Those eyes seemed omniscient, an important trait for such a skilled detective. She had to be more careful. Heizou isn't an idiot.

"Siph. What was that vine?" she wondered, staying still on the ground, with grass tickling her soles. 

"It seemed like a mutated plant. It attacked me out of the blue," he scoffed, shrugging his shoulders barely visible to plain sight.

Siph remained quiet. Unsure of what to say. 

"I'm honored to have such a beautiful lady as yourself, saving me from the big, bad dragon," he smiled slightly, still pulling all those dramatic descriptions as if he wasn't just calling for help just now like the princess in the tall, empty tower.

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