4~Unleashed Madness

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[Congratulations to all Baizhu havers. Author: Hoyoverse, 3.6 event: Beyond Mortality.]

Xiao is sitting on the edge of the tiled roof, once in a while gazing into his lap, at the person that seemed to dream an endless amount of time. 

"Mhh~" she grumbled, slowly opening her eyelids, and rubbing her right eye with an index finger. 

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," Xiao growled in his low voice, sweetly, gently.

She was tired, exhausted from the agony, but it didn't feel like it ended, more like suppressed. However, it didn't matter as long as she can bear the pain and not go mad from it. She lied and lied, not willing or queuing any sort of motion that she will stand up. Unsure, if she was unable to or simply unwilling, Xiao didn't say a word regarding it. He simply stayed there, silent enough to keep the night quiet, but loud enough for him to disperse the loneliness.

They stayed like that for a while until the night started to fade into the daylight and the stars seemed to be taken by the morning abyss. No one walked out on the terrace, and it was peaceful for the birds to start chirping their love and territorial songs.

"Thank you," she said quietly, it was more just the trace of her lips, but he could read it right away, almost knowing what she would say. 

He gave her a smile, genuine one, as if she was on the edge of a cliff and managed to pull back just in time. It felt like her life was on the line but now it is no longer the case, he can relax and finally use full lungs to breathe the crisp morning air.

"For," she continued after a second. "Making me feel better." 

He shifted his focus on her. "What happened?" 

Her eyes seemed to know the answer, but her mouth does dare to say it. It was too complicated, too hard to answer such a simple question, too hard to say that it was "nothing."

The contemplate in her eyes was visible without any special instrument. It was so strange even to her she didn't get the moment to process. 

His silence let her know that he won't pry further. He truly understood what it meant to have a trusting individual that cared enough to give space and words of reassurance and encouragement.

Yet, Siph broke the silence in two with very abrupt, disturbing words: "I'm dying..." she started, "Aren't I?"

She tried to seek the truth from his eyes, knowing Xiao wouldn't dare lie to her. He was too honest. Too good. Too sweet. Too caring. 

He didn't respond which only confirmed her doubts, but the girl didn't wail or cry or tried to deny the truth. Almost as if it is the predicted outcome, it just... occurred sooner than she expected...

He gulped, unable to look at her, unable to find a place for his eyes, his hands, himself. Only thing he could do is give her the small package. It was medicine she could take from the concoction that Baizhu made. 

"Baizhu," her eyes sparkled. She was excited to hear his name, he was quite popular for his looks and the snake Changsheng that was looped around his neck. It was said he had a weak body, yet he was still the best doctor in Liyue if not the whole Teyvat, perhaps he has an illness that even he himself cannot treat thus the reason he seeks immortality and kept Qiqi next to his side.

"You know him?" he raised an eyebrow.

"No, not personally," she said, a bit more cheerfully than before.

He didn't ask further questions, as Baizhu after all was quite famous for his skill. Perhaps Siph admired him. He was glad that her paleness was slightly fading away as something this simple changed her mood to a better one.

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