'On another date with your boyfriend?' - Chapter Ten

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Woooooo double figure chapters!!!! :D Enjoy...

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The first month of term went really fast. I'd love to know how I did so much in such a short amount of time. I'll tell you one thing, A-Levels are hard! All of my teachers were really piling on the pressure for me to do well this year and it's completely stressing me out.

Mr Wilding seems intent on making my Maths lessons miserable. He's constantly picking on me and telling me off - it's awful. At least I've got Danny to keep me company. Even though he hates us both, he lets us sit together because if we were split up we'd just disrupt whoever we were sitting next to. I like it this way; I can have a laugh and not worry about ruining my partners' maths career.

I'm getting on really well with Danny. I only see him for Maths because I'm with my dorm most of the time and they're all girls but every time we do see each other, I have tons of fun. The teasing from Rachel about us being in love has not stopped at all. It would get tiresome, but I love Rachel so much that I barely even care. Besides, I think anyone who thinks me and Danny would make a 'totally great couple' is a psycho. He's the sort of person who's a great friend, but is an awful boyfriend.

Danny seems to spend a lot of his time with Jack and talks about him a lot. It's hard not to laugh at their hilarious antics and all the ridiculous things they get up to. It feels like every maths lesson, Danny's planning something new. I just feel sorry for their dorm, they get so many tricks pulled on them it doesn't seem fair!

Rachel hasn't seen Jack any more than I've seen Danny; just in their geography lessons. She doesn't really talk about him that much but I still manage to find ways to tease her. People in the year are already starting to pair up and 'go out'. The whole going out part is a little ominous. As it's a boarding school the most anyone can do is sit next to each other in the lunch hall or revise together during study period but it seems to be enough. My friend Ruth has started going out with a boy called Toby in the year above. They're totally cute together but I don't see it working out in the long term.

My meetings with Matthew have been going well. In terms of religion, I'm still undecided but Matthew and I have some really good conversations. I swear that man is born to be some sort of priest. Any question I have, he answers it in a flash; it's mental. The teasing from Rachel sill hasn't died down. Every single time I go, I hear 'Oh, Jess. On another date with your boyfriend?'. Honestly, I don't know how she keeps up with all the guys I'm supposedly dating! Matthew's also doing a really good job of being head boy, everyone's said so. It's so funny to see all the teachers constantly fawning after him and him being too polite to say anything. Matthew is the cutest thing; he's going to make some girl very happy one day.

I still find it strange that Matthew and Danny don't get on at all. I know they're pretty different, but I like both of them, why shouldn't they? It's not that bad but it does get annoying. Just the other day, Matthew and I were in a meeting. It was really good and I was learning a lot and then we started talking about influences. Matthew was saying that he finds it hard to drop bad influences so that he can live a catholic life. It only took a few seconds for him to add that I must feel the same as I haven't dropped Danny yet. Is Danny really, that bad an influence?

Danny's not much better - he's always having a go at me for hanging around with 'the amazing, holy Matthew'. It does my head in sometimes; why can't they just like each other instead of making me feel bad every time I'm with them.

A wise man once said that friends are made over mutual likes. That is to say that if two people both love One Direction then they will become friends. However, as true as this may be, I think that best friends are made over mutual hates. And that is to say that if Rachel and I both hate Felicity, then we will become best friends. I know hate is a strong word and Matthew would kill me, but it's true. I hate her. I hate her so much, that if she left the school and was replaced by Hitler, I don't think I'd lose any sleep over it.

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