Q&A with the author

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Do not read this until you have read the book - there is HEAVY spoilers!!

Is your real name Luna?

No. My screename is a mish-mash of Luna Lovegood and Annie Cresta - two of my favourite characters from two of my favourite book series, Harry Potter and the Hunger Games.

Which character from Only Fools... do you relate to the most?

Definitely Jess. She's completely and totally based on myself. Not necessarily the exactitudes of our lives but her general personality, thoughts and feelings are completely from me. I also have the constant fear of being too selfish, of automatically putting myself first. But I'm glad that she learnt the error of her ways in the end, even if it meant she was far sadder for it.

Did you always know how you wanted the book to end?

Yes. I always knew I didn't want a necessarily happy ending. I guess you can sort of tell that from the title of the book. I always knew that the moral of the story would be that only fools fall in love. And I know that may sound cynical, but that's what Jess is going to believe at the end of the book. But I think that there is that element of glimmering hope in her cynicism in that she recognises that Rachel and Jack really do love each other.

Did any element of the plot change from your initial plan?

Yes a few things actually. Originally I wanted Jess's mum to die at some point, and that was going to be how Jess and Matthew got close and started going out. But in the end I just thought that it was too complicated a plot point, and I think that if Jess's mum had died then it would be more likely that Danny and she would have got back together. Not that she would've started going with Matthew. Also, I originally had Danny ending up with Amy. Zac and Amy were going to break up before the winter fair, with Amy confessing that she still loved Danny as soon as she got to St Peter's – before she knew about Jess and Danny. Also in very early plans it wasn't Jess who Danny had cheated with. It is worth saying that near the end, I did contemplate having Jess and Danny end up together after all – mainly from reading the comments of all my readers. But it would have gone against the whole point of the book's essence, so in the end I just couldn't do it.

Is there going to be a sequel to Only Fools...?

In short, no.

A prequel?

In a way. My basic plan was to have a prequel of Amy, Jess and Danny's time at their previous school. However, what I think I'm going to do now is just have three one shots from each of those characters surrounding the time that Jess and Danny slept together.

What happened to Amy?

Amy's fine! Her injuries weren't that bad. She and Zac did break up but she's got another boyfriend by the time that the prologue is set. Her and Jess don't really talk very much by the end. They have more of a Facebook relationship – they like each other's profile pictures, wish each other happy birthday – but they just found that it was too hard to be proper friends again after everything that happened.

What about Felicity?

I think after Jess and Danny broke up she tried to go for Danny and he finally realised that she had no real respect, not waiting any time after the break up to make her move. I'm sure she got into a brilliant university though and had got some other boy wrapped around her finger.

Any message to your readers?

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!! I really hope that you enjoyed the ending to Only Fools...! Or at least understand why I did what I did. If you have any more questions for me then pm me or comment on this chapter and I'll keep editing this chapter. I am honestly so proud of how far Only Fools... has come since I first planned it – and none of that would have happened if it wasn't for you. Stay awesome.

What's next for you?

My new book Revenge of the Teenage Geek is going to be beginning to be released very soon. I'm just finishing off with the final planning. Click on the next part button for a sneak peek at what's to come!!!

~LunaCresta x x x

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