Chapter Twenty-Four

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Camden, Caleb's wolf, growled lowly. "Now now, don't go on a killing spree. You still need more people, or a person, a very particular person." Camden took over completely and glared at Desmond. "But she's not here." Camden growled and grabbed the collar of Desmond's shirt and pulled him up. "Hold on now pup, that hybrid is very smart, if she was to be leaving, don't you think she would say goodbye first?"

Camden looked into the red eyes and was silent. When he came to realization, he dropped the Elder and closed the cellar. "YOUR WELCOME." Desmond yelled. Caleb walked back into the house, and straight into Ethan's room. Ethan was in the wheelchair, looking at the window.

"She made a stop somewhere." Caleb said once the door was closed. Ethan kept his eyes on the window. "Caleb, I want you to go under my bed, and pull out the wooden cane." Caleb nodded.

Once the cane was in Ethan's hands, he stood slowly and took baby steps towards the door. "It's the graveyard." He said. Caleb raised an eyebrow. "She would tell her aunt goodbye." Ethan's voice was lower. He opened the door and walked slowly towards the kitchen. "Ethan?" He looked up.

Klara had caused the whole crew to look towards him. "Where are you going?" Caleb cleared his throat. "I wanted to umm take him to the park, he wanted some fresh air." Aiden raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure about that? Don't you think he needs a little rest?"

Caleb shook his head. "He just wants some air." The room was quiet. "I'll go with you guys." Noah said. Caleb sighed. "That won't be n-"

"I'm still going." Noah said walking past the two boys. Caleb ran a hand through his hair. "I bet you are."


They pulled up to the cemetery. "Yep, this is a great place to take a deep breath." Noah said in a low voice. "You tell the others an-" Noah shook his head and opened his door.

"Nope." Ethan opened his door and instantly saw Melodi. She was talking to Zaria, who just nodded. Melodi walked until she was at her aunt's grave. "She was here." Ethan whispered. Caleb looked at Noah. Ethan started to head towards the grave.

Melodi looked up and slowly stood. "She saw something else." Ethan whispered. He walked up to the grave and looked down. "You will always be my mother." He whispered. The dead flowers suddenly can back to life.

Melodi walked to the headstone of her auntie and sighed. Zaria said she would stay by the gate. But then again, she was never one to go to funerals and go to grave sights.

She kneeled and put a new batch of flowers onto the ground. "Hey auntie." She said softly. The wind caressed her skin, for she was burning with anger and sadness. "I won't be visiting you for a while, but I promise to send flowers." Melodi put two fingers to her lips and put them on the headstone.

That's when she saw the name Mrs. Lola Michaels. She stood from her position and walked over to the grave.

Ethan looked up. "What did you see?" Caleb questioned. Ethan didn't respond. He walked ahead and saw the gravestone. "Lola Michaels." He whispers. "Your mother." Ethan said.

Ethan saw Melodi, she looked to her right, she began to talk, but as Ethan looked around. No one was there. "Who was she talking to?" He kneeled slowly with the help of his cane. He reached for the white rose and suddenly a women appeared in his vision.

"You have to help her, she's not in a good enough condition to call for help, she is dying slowly, and I know you are trying your hardest, but you need to try harder." Ethan looked up. Black hair, long and flowing in the wind, her eyes, green.

The Returned Mate (BWWM) |TO BE UNPUBLISHED AND EDITED OCTOBER 2016|Where stories live. Discover now