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Owen's car stopped in front of Y/N's new school. "Try and enjoy your day." Owen said as Y/N nodded and stepped out of the car. "Bye, dad." he said as he closed the door. His eyes were glued to the car as it drove away, leaving Y/N alone.

Y/N turned around and started walking towards the school, when a car drove towards him, not showing any signs of slowing down.

Y/N jumped back a bit, resulting on him falling flat on his ass on the ground, as the car continued driving and eventually stopping.

Y/N dusted himself off as he stood back on his feet and walked towards the entrance.

"Hey Y/N!" a female voice spoke up as Y/N turned around to see Max running towards him, a skateboard in her hands. "Hey Max." he greeted back.

"Are you okay?" she asked as Y/N nodded. "I'm so sorry. My brother didn't mean it, he's just a jerk sometimes."

"It's okay, Max." Y/N said before Max could blabber on. "It's not like you were driving the car."

"Yeah." Max whispered under her breath as she spoke up. "Do you know where to go?" she asked. "Because I don't."

Y/N looked around the school as he saw the principal's office. He nodded towards the door. "My dad told me to talk to the principal. So..." he said as Max nodded. "Let's go then."


In a matter of minutes, both kids were being led through the school and towards a classroom. The principal opened the door so Y/N and Max could walk inside.

Y/N became aware of all the eyes that were on him and the redhead beside him. The teacher gave the two anxious teens a smile. "Ah, this must be our new students."


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"Indeed." the principal nodded. "All yours."

While Y/N stood still, not really knowing what to do, Max tried to run to the first chair she saw. "All right. Hold up." Mr. Clarke chuckled as he moved an arm in front of the redhead. "You don't get away that easy."

The teacher moved his hand back and pointed towards Y/N. "Come on up. Don't be shy." he said as Y/N still stood quietly at the spot he had arrived, giving an awkward smile to the class.

"Dustin, drum roll." Mr. Clarke said as a kid in the front row grabbed his book(s) as he drum rolled on them. "Class, please welcome, all the way from sunny California, one of the two latest passengers to join us on our curiosity voyage, Maxine." Mr. Clarke finished as Max looked very uncomfortable with her full name.

 Clarke finished as Max looked very uncomfortable with her full name

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"It's Max." she quickly told him.

"Sorry?" Mr. Clarke asked as he looked at the younger girl.

"Nobody calls me Maxine. It's Max." Max explained as Mr. Clarke nodded, taking the new information in. He quickly glanced over to Y/N, who looked back at him. "Oh, I'm just Y/N." he said as he smiled at Mr. Clarke and then the class.

"Well, all aboard, Max and just Y/N." Mr. Clarke said jokingly as he pointed towards two seats in the back of the classroom. "You both can sit in the back." Mr. Clarke said as Max immediately pulled Y/N with her towards the two chairs and slumped down in the one closer to the window.

Y/N sat down on Max's right as he noticed that the kid known as Dustin and three other boys, probably his friends, were staring at Max. "First minute and already staring?" Y/N murmured as the class continued.


Y/N and Max were chilling outside as it was now time for the school break. Y/N was leaning against a wall as he watched Max doing some tricks with her skateboard.

 Y/N was leaning against a wall as he watched Max doing some tricks with her skateboard

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"You're pretty good at that." Y/N compliments her as Max smiled at him. "Thanks." she said as she picked up her board from the ground.

Y/N noticed Max looking slightly behind him before returning her gaze on him. "Don't immediately look, but we got some stalkers."

Y/N waited a few seconds before turning around and pretending to not see Dustin and his friends staring at them again. "Yeah, they did that in class as well." Y/N said as he looked back at Max, who grabbed a piece of paper. "Do you have a pen or something?" she asked as she walked away.

"Yeah, of course." Y/N replied as he quickly grabbed a pen from his jacket. "I always carry one with me." he informed Max as he handed her the pen.

They both walked up some stairs as Max wrote something on the paper, before throwing it in the bin beneath them.

Max opened and walked through the door as she walked inside. Y/N followed as he noticed the four kids running to the bin.

"What did you write for them?" Y/N asked as Max just smiled back. "A very nice message." she answered as the duo walked further into the school.

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