xᴉS ɹǝʇdɐɥϽ

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"Max, hold up!" Y/N yelled as he ran after a very pissed off Max. She was holding her skateboard in her arm as she walked outside the back-door of the school.

"Why should I?" Max asked as she turned around to face Y/N. "And why should you stay, for that matter? They clearly don't want us in their pathetic little group." she ranted as Y/N nodded his head. "I agree."

"So let's go!" Max yelled as she stepped down the steps, Y/N close on her tail. "I'm done waiting for people to accept and like me."

"I like you." Y/N quickly told her without thinking about what response he just gave. "I mean, not like that like you. I mean I accept you and I like you... as a friend."

"Yeah. Yeah, of course." Max agreed. "We've known each other for, what? Like a few days. We can't like each other like that."

"No, I mean, we're friends. That's it."

"Friends." Max repeated. "We like each other as friends."

After Max had finished speaking, the situation turned pretty awkward as both young teens were glancing at each other before their eyes connected.

Y/N let out an awkward chuckle as he looked down to his feet on the ground. Max however kept her eyes on the boy.

"We should probably head back inside and continue looking for Dart." Y/N shrugged as his E/C eyes met blue ones once again. "Yeah, probably."

Both characters were slowly moving closer to each other, before they were pushed away by Will running outside.

They both looked as the boy kept running out into the field. He suddenly stopped and turned around towards the school.

"Go away!" Will yelled as Y/N looked up and only saw the sun in a clear sky.

"Is he okay?" Max asked as Will continued to scream away. "Maybe he's having another panic attack." Y/N suggests as they both walked towards the screaming kid.

"Will?" Y/N asked. "Will, can you hear me? Just focus on my voice." he instructed as Y/N turned back to the ginger behind him. "Go get the others."

Max nodded and ran off back into the school looking for the stalkers. In the meantime, Y/N tried getting Will to come back to the real world and out of his presumed panic attack. The boy had already stopped screaming and now stood motionless on the field.

"Will, focus on your breathing and come back to me. Can you do that for me?" Y/N helped the boy the best he could. He was now at a distance where he could touch Will, which is what he did. "Just focus on your--"

When Y/N attempted to touch Will's shoulder however, he got thrown back several feet away, hitting his head against a rock on the ground. And then it all went black for Y/N as a voice called out to him.



Y/N opened his eyes to see the field he was just standing on, but there was now a darkness over the whole place, like it was nighttime.

The boy looked around until he saw Will still standing where he previously was. But now there was a gas like substance entering him through his nose and mouth.

Looking back to see where the gas came from, Y/N saw a large, black creature towering over the school. Red lightning could also be seen in the clouds above it.

Not knowing what else to do, Y/N ran towards Will and pushed him away from the monster's grasp

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Not knowing what else to do, Y/N ran towards Will and pushed him away from the monster's grasp. When he did, he saw Will's body leave in thin air.

But the same didn't happen for himself as Y/N stood back up and looked behind him to see the monster staring at him.

"Oh, shit." Y/N softly cursed as he started running towards the trees near the school, a loud roar coming from the monster as he did.

"Left." a very American voice suddenly spoke up in Y/N's mind. "What?"

"Left!" Y/N's body automatically dove towards his left as the gas looking claw of the monster just missed the boy. He quickly stood back up as he continued running away from the monster in the sky.

Suddenly his body stopped moving. His eyes began rapidly opening and closing as he saw glimpses of the real world before losing consciousness once more.


Max led the group through the school as she opened the door and saw Will still standing on the field. But one thing had changed; Y/N was laying on the ground, not moving in the slightest.

"Will!" Joyce Byers, the mother of Will who had arrived at the school a few minutes ago, screamed as she and the rest of the group ran towards their friend/ son.

Max however ran straight towards her neighbor. "Y/N?" she asked as the ginger crouched down beside him.

"Y/N, wake up." Max pleaded as she began lightly shaking the unconscious boy. "Y/N, please wake up."

In the back of her mind Max could hear Joyce screaming something of the lines of 'you're back' towards Will.

And that just set Max off.

"You." she growled as the ginger stood up and stormed towards the recently awoken boy. "You did this to him. All he did was trying to help you!"

"Hey, back off!" Mike exclaimed as he pushed Max away from his friend. "He just had an episode, and you wanna accuse him now?"

"Who else could've pushed Y/N away?!"

"Like I know."

"Just leave, we'll take care of them." Dustin told Joyce as she and Will quickly left the scene.

"Oh, and now he just gets to leave."

"Max, shut up!" Mike told her as he pushed Max a little too hard, causing her to fall on the ground with a grunt.

Suddenly Y/N let out a huge gasp as he sat right up on the ground. "Y/N?" Max asked as she crawled closer to the boy, who was now breathing heavily and super quickly.

"Y/N?" Max asked as she laid her hand on his shoulder. Y/N quickly scooted a little further until he saw who was talking to him. "Max?"

"Y/N, you're back." Max eased him as she gave her friend a hug. "You're okay. You're back. You're okay."

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