ǝǝɹɥꓕ ɹǝʇdɐɥϽ

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Today was one of Y/N's favorite days; Halloween. Y/N always enjoyed spending the night trick-or-treating. But for now, he was still at school.

The bell rang as all the students left their classrooms. Y/N followed Max to her locker, who put her books inside, as the two heard someone clearing their throat. "Um..."

Both kids turned to the side to see Dustin and one of his friends, Lucas, standing beside them, both wearing a Ghostbusters costume. "Hi, Max. Y/N." Dustin said while nodding at both of them. "I'm Dustin, and this is--"

"Lucas." Lucas cut his friend off as the redhead looked uninterested at them both. "Yeah, we know." Y/N told them as Max spoke up after him. "The stalkers."

"Uh, no. Actually..." Lucas started before Dustin took over. "We weren't stalking you both, we were just stalking Max."

"What?" Max asked in shock as Dustin tried to salvage the conversation. "I mean, we were just concerned because, you know, you're new and all."

"Yeah, for your safety." Lucas chimed in as Max just looked at Y/N, wanting to teleport away from this conversation.

"There are a lot of bullies here."

"So many bullies, it's crazy."


"Is that why you're wearing proton packs?" Max asked in amusement as Y/N let out a quick chuckle.

"Well, these don't function. But..." Dustin began as he grabbed something else from his suit. "I do have this handy-dandy little trap here. And look, it even opens and closes."

Max rolled her eyes as Dustin started treating her and her new friend/ neighbor as little children. "Look, look, look..."

The trap then opened as Dustin and Lucas smiled. "Voilà." Dustin chuckled as Max wanted to kill herself at that moment.

"It's cool, right?" Dustin asked as he noticed the kids opposite of him looking unimpressed. "No? Okay. But, um... So, we were talking last night, and you two are new here, so you probably don't have any friends besides each other to take trick-or-treating, and you're scared of bullies, so we were thinking that it would be okay if you two come with us." Dustin explained as Y/N looked back towards the exit, wanting to leave.

"'It'd be okay'?" Max asked dumbfounded as Dustin continued. "Yeah. Our party's a democracy, the majority voted you could come." Dustin explained as Lucas and Y/N both shared a sigh.

"Didn't realize that it was such an honor to go trick-or-treating with you." Max told him with a bit of disgust in her voice as Dustin nodded. "We know where to get the full-sized candy bars." he innocently informed the two. "We figured you'd want in."

"That's presumptuous of you." Max replied as Lucas and Dustin were starstruck for a moment. 'This might actually work' they thought.

"Yeah. Totally. Uh, so, um... you'll come?" Dustin asked as Max closed her locker with a sigh and an eye roll. "Let's go." Max murmured as she pulled Y/N with her and walked away.

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