ǝuO-ʎʇɹᴉɥꓕ ɹǝʇdɐɥϽ

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The group had just arrived at the trailer park as Steve stopped the car in front of Max's trailer. "This better be fast, Mayfield."

"Twenty seconds." Max spoke before stepping out of the car and throwing it closed behind her.

Y/N's eyes followed the ginger as she stepped into the trailer. Steve saw this but chose not to say anything about it. He was happy that the two were at least talking to each other again.

"That thing's got batteries in it, right?" Steve asked as he turned his head to look at Dustin, who was sitting beside him.

Dustin briefly looked at the older teen before softly sighing and looking straight ahead. "I'm not even answering that question."

"Dustin." Y/N spoke as he got out of his seat so he was between the other two teens. "Don't play games. Max's life is on the line."

"Yes, of course it has batteries." Dustin shrugged as he looked at Y/N. "All right?"

"Great." Y/N sighed as he got back into his seat beside Lucas. Y/N paid him no mind as he kept his eyes on the open door Max just walked through.

After a moment, Lucas cleared his throat and got the attention of Steve and Dustin. "What?"

"Could you...?" Lucas trailed off as he pointed to outside the window before nodding his head towards Y/N.

"Oh, yeah, sure." Dustin stepped out of the vehicle, quickly being followed by Steve, leaving Lucas alone with Y/N.

There was a beat before Lucas started talking. "Look, Y/N... I'm sure you already know so I'm just gonna say it. Me and Max were... fooling around when you two broke up." the boy began as he got no response from Y/N.

"I just want you to know that we didn't do it to make you feel jealous or anything. I always liked Max, that's no secret, and when she came to me, I just said yes and didn't think to much about it." Lucas explained as Y/N kept looking out the window, waiting for Max to return. "Okay, look, I'm sorry--"

"You don't have to be." Y/N interrupted Lucas. "Max broke up with me because of who I was. Who I am. Plus, I don't think the alcohol at that party helped much." Y/N let out a dry chuckle. "You had nothing to do with it, so you shouldn't apologize."

"So, we're good?" Lucas asked as Y/N softly nodded. "We're good."

Imside of the trailer, Max put the envelopes on a table. She went to walk back outside when she saw her mother hanging the laundry outside to dry.

Max walked through the backdoor as she called out to her mother. "Mom!"

Susan looked surprised at the sight of her daughter. "Hey, sweetie." she spoke as she walked closer towards Max. "I thought you were with your friends today."

"Yeah, I... I was. I am." Max said as she stood in front of her mom. "Shouldn't you be at work?"

"Oh, Mr. Bradley let me off early. So I'm just catching up on some chores." Susan answered.

Max started looking around many places as she was fumbling with her words. "Um, I-- I left some letters inside. For you and... and Granny and Uncle Jack. And Dad. If you can find him."

"Letters?" Susan asked while shaking her head. "I... I don't understand."

"Uh, I just... um..." Max was really trying to find her words as Susan gave her daughter the time to think. "With all the murders and everything, I... I know it's stupid, but I just started to think, 'What if something happens to me?'"

"Max, baby, nothing is going to happen to you." Susan said with a smile.

"I know. But if... if it did, I just... There's so many things that I want to say, that I need to say. And..." Max let out a shaky breath before continuing. "Just promise you'll give the letters out, okay?"

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