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The crew was now driving along the road in Billy's car. Max was driving as Y/N sat beside her in the passenger seat, and the rest of the group was sitting in the back with an unconscious Steve.

"Nancy?" Steve spoke as he was looking at Mike with his blurry vision. He groaned as he tried touching his face, but Dustin pulled his hand away. "No, don't touch it."

Steve turned to look at Dustin, who only smiled at the fact that the older teen could still move his head. "Hey, buddy. It's okay. You put up a good fight."

"He kicked your ass, but you put up a good fight." Lucas joined in as Mike let out a quick chuckle.

"Okay, Max, you're gonna keep straight for half a mile, then make a left on Mount Sinai." Y/N instructed as Steve looked up at him in the passenger seat. "What's going on?"

Steve looked beside the boy to see Max driving the car. "Oh, my God!"

"Just relax. She's driven before."

"Yeah, in a parking lot." Mike argued with Dustin, and of course, Lucas argued with the two. "That counts."

"They were gonna leave you behind."

"I never said that!" Y/N called from his seat.

"I promised that you'd be cool, okay?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on?" Steve started not being cool. "Oh, my God! No! Whoa! Stop the car. Slow down."

"I told you he'd freak out." Mike commented.

"Stop the car!"

"Everybody shut up! I'm trying to focus!" Max screamed through the car as Y/N called out after her. "Wait, that's Mount Sinai. Make a left."


"Make a left."  Y/N repeated as Max made a very sharp turn that made everybody in the back scream their lungs out.


"Hello!" Steve yelled as the car came to a halt.

"Told you." Max shrugged as she took the car keys out and looked at Y/N. "Zoomer."

Everyone got out and ran towards the trunk of the car, except for Steve, who grunted once he had rolled out of the car and onto the ground. "Guys."

The kids put on a makeshift mask and goggles as they prepared for their plan. "Oh, no. Guys." Steve said again as he saw Lucas walk past him with a tank of gasoline in his hands. "Hey, where do you think you're doing? What are you, deaf? Hello?"

"We are not going down there right now. I made myself pretty clear. Hey, there's no chance we're going to that hole, all right? This ends right now!" Steve yelled as he started grabbing stuff from the trunk, leaving Dustin to help Steve 'be cool'.

"You know, this plan of ours, it could very well end in all of our deaths." Max spoke as she saw Y/N throw a rope down the hole. "Well, if that's the case, I hope that I die before you." Y/N looked up at the redhead while giving her a smile. Max smiled back as Dustin walked towards them with Steve putting on his own goggles.

Everybody dropped down the hole one by one, Steve being last as everyone looked around. "Holy shit."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's this way." Mike said as he looked at one of the drawings from the Byers house.

"You're pretty sure, or you're certain?" Dustin asked as Mike turned towards him. "I'm 100% sure. Just follow me and you'll know."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey, hey. I don't think so." Steve told him as he grabbed the makeshift map. "What?"

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