xᴉS-ʎʇuǝʍꓕ ɹǝʇdɐɥϽ

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Around a month has passed since the Byers left Hawkins with Eleven, who now took on the name of Jane Hopper.

The party left in Hawkins would try their best to move on with their respective lives.

The school was having a remembering night for every life that was taken. But the life being on everyone's mind was that of their own sheriff, Jim Hopper.

Y/N and Max were both going as they were known as one of the couple of the town.

"Babe, you ready to go?" Y/N walked into Max's room as she was looking at herself in the mirror.

She was wearing a silver-looking colored dress with a few gold spots on the dress.

"Yeah, almost." she grunted as the ginger turned her head towards her boyfriend. "Can you help zip me up?"

"Sure." Y/N walked closer as he zipped the dress up her body. Max turned around to kiss Y/N.

"You know we don't have to go, right?" he reminded her as Max smiled at him. "It's okay, Y/N/N. I'll be fine."

In reality, she still hadn't fully come to terms with Billy's passing. She just acted like she was okay to everyone else, which was getting more and more difficult as her relationship with Y/N evolved.

"Alright, then. Let's go." Y/N smiled as he took Max's hand and the two walked outside where Steve and Robin were waiting for them.

"Hello, young couple!" Steve shouted as Robin softly punched his shoulder. "Not the entire world has to know, dingus."

"Guys, it's fine." Max softly smiled as she stepped into the backseat of Steve's car, quickly followed by Y/N sitting beside her.

The two older teens also stepped inside, Steve behind the wheel and Robin in the passenger seat, as the young couple were preparing themselves for a night to remember.

And this night... Let's just say they will remember this night...


Max and Y/N walked inside the school as Steve and Robin had left soon after dropping the younger teens off. The party was only for lower-level students, unfortunately.

The two soon arrived at the rest of their friend group. Mike, Dustin and Lucas were all there. "Hey guys." the two greeted as the three boys turned towards them and greeted them back.

The night was filled with laughter and drinks. Who thought it would be a good idea to give high schoolers alcohol?

Who honestly knows.

But the one who approved of this would soon come to regret it as the night continued.

Y/N spotted Max as she was gulping down another drink. Mike and Dustin were around her as Y/N saw Lucas talking with the teens from the basketball team.

Y/N watched as someone walked up to the ginger. He stayed behind but he could still hear the boy talking about Billy.

Once the boy left her side, Max put her glass down as she pushed her head in between her hands.

Y/N walked toward his girlfriend as he gave a look to the boy that was just with Max.

"Max?" Y/N spoke as she turned away from him while whispering to herself. Y/N didn't catch what she said as he put a hand on Max's shoulder, but the ginger quickly shrugged it off.

"Max, what's wrong?" Y/N asked confused as the ginger mocked him. "What's wrong? You! That's what's wrong."

Y/N looked around the room to see lots of teenagers looking in their direction, including Mike, Lucas and Dustin. "Max, maybe we should just go outside for a bit." he tried calming her down as he attempted to grab Max's hand.

"How about no." Max slapped Y/N's hand away. "How about we discuss the disease that is your life!"

 "How about we discuss the disease that is your life!"

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It was now clear to Y/N that Max was very drunk. She would only act like this towards him when she was either drunk or high out of her mind.

"Max, that's enough. Let's go--"

"Don't you find it weird that everyone you come into contact with dies?" Max asked as she drew the attention of everyone in the room.

"First, you killed your mom by just being born."


"Then you were selfish and you got your sister killed."

"That wasn't my--"

"And let's not forget that you got Hopper and Billy killed just because you spoke to them a few times." Max listed off as she didn't let Y/N interrupt her. "So who's going to be next? Me? Your dad? Or maybe that new whore you have been seeing behind my back?"

"Max, I'm not seeing anyone else and I won't let anyone else die. You have my word--"

"You already gave your word, but Billy still died!" Max exclaimed. "He died because you weren't good enough, Y/N!"

Y/N just looked at the ginger, unable to respond to her words. Sure, he knew those people died. And sure, he blamed himself for those deaths, but Max always told him that none of those deaths were on him.

"Max..." Y/N spoke as tears started to build up in his eyes. But the drunk girl didn't care.

"And I don't wanna die. I want to continue living. So if this--" Max motioned between the two of them. "--is what's going to guarantee my death, I'll have no problem stopping it."

"What are you saying?" Y/N softly spoke as Max took a step closer to him. "I never want to see you again. I never want to talk to you again. I'm fucking dumping your ass." she finished as Y/N softly nodded before quickly walking out of the school.

Y/N walked out of the building as he sat down on the steps. His hands were shaking as a few tears were leaving his eyes.

"Y/N--" Marc attempted before Y/N cut him off. "Not now, Marc, okay? Just leave me be for a bit." he requested as he felt Marc nod before disappearing from his mind.

The boy sighed as he stood up and started to walk away. "Y/N." a female voice made him turn around as he saw Emma Cunningham, a girl whom he recently befriended, standing in front of the door.

"I don't wanna talk about it

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"I don't wanna talk about it." Y/N shook his head as Emma walked closer to him. "We don't have to." she smiled at him as she took his hands in her own.

"Do you wanna stay over at my place?" she asked as Y/N nodded. "Please."

Emma smiled before the two started walking to the phone booth and calling her older sister, Chrissy, to let her know she was coming home with a guest.

(End of season 3)

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