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Time passed slowly, yet no one left the hospital, even after hearing that both Taehyung and Jungkook were alright. They were all eagerly awaiting the moment when they could catch a glimpse of the two after the horrific incident. Their hearts would only truly calm down once they had seen them with their own eyes. So they waited patiently, their anticipation building with each passing moment, longing for the reassurance of seeing their loved ones safe and sound.

"Excuse me... relatives of Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook," a nurse called out to them while they were seated in the waiting area. Daehyun and Namjoon approached the nurse.

"Yes, my son and his fiancé. What's the matter?" Daehyun inquired, his tone filled with concern.

"Their room is ready now, and you can see them. It's a VVIP room provided for both of them, as requested. They have been placed in the same room," the nurse informed them.

"Thank you," Namjoon expressed gratitude, and they all followed the nurse to the room where they could finally see Jungkook and Taehyung.

As they entered the room, they saw Taehyung and Jungkook lying on separate hospital beds, with a small distance between them. Despite the circumstances, they appeared peaceful while sleeping. Both of them were connected to IV drips for hydration and medication. Jungkook had numerous bandages on his hands and legs, and the thickness of his hospital gown suggested that his entire torso was bandaged. Additionally, he had a cast on his right wrist.

The sight was indeed painful for the visitors, but they couldn't begin to imagine how much more painful it must have been for the younger ones themselves. They felt a wave of empathy and concern wash over them as they gazed upon the two young men, hoping and praying for their swift recovery.

On the other hand, Taehyung didn't have any visible bandages except for where the two bullet wounds were located, both hidden under his hospital shirt. Despite the lack of visible injuries, the fact that he had suffered a cardiac arrest had deeply frightened everyone. It served as a stark reminder of the severity of the situation and the fragility of life, adding to the concern and anxiety surrounding his condition.

"Let's hope they wake up soon," Jin expressed, his voice tinged with sadness as he longed for his cocky brother and cheerful Jungkook to regain consciousness, healthy and whole once more.

"They will," Jimin reassured, his gaze also fixed on the two sleeping figures. Despite the somber atmosphere, there was a glimmer of hope in his words, reflecting the unwavering faith they all held for Taehyung and Jungkook's recovery.

Daehyun and Yejin's eyes welled up with tears as they beheld their son after a couple of years. Imagining a beautiful family day when Taehyung had announced his engagement to Jungkook, they had thought to surprising Taehyung and enveloping him in tight hugs, overwhelming him with their love and joy. However, destiny had other plans in store, ones they could have never anticipated.

As they looked at Jungkook, whom they were seeing for the first time, their hearts broke at the sight of the young man in such a fragile state. Yejin buried her face in Daehyun's chest, overcome with emotion as she cried silently. Together, they slowly walked towards Taehyung's bed, where Daehyun softly caressed his son's hand, and Yejin gently pressed a kiss to his forehead. Then, with equal tenderness, they approached Jungkook's bed, offering the same gestures of love and comfort to the young man who had captured their son's heart.

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