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Months passed....

Six months have passed since their delightful wedding, and indeed, Jungkook's baby bump has grown to the size of a large pumpkin. He now waddles like a penguin here and there, and it's incredibly endearing, reminiscent of a one-year-old toddler who has just begun to walk.

Now he is seated on a couch, watching a drama and munching on strawberries, embodying the playfulness of a bunny. He was engrossed in a scene where the male lead was about to kiss the female lead.

"Kiss, kiss, kiss..." Jungkook muttered, continuously moving his hands around, gesturing with his fingers as if kissing.

"I bet, my munchkin, that they will kiss in this episode," he wagered with his unborn baby (yeah, I facepalmed), while munching on strawberries.

However, the leads were only gazing into each other's eyes, subtly glancing at each other's lips. Suddenly, the phone of the male lead rang, abruptly ending their moment and leaving a sulking Jungkook behind.

"It's really unfair, it's already 12th episode they didn't even had a peck" Jungkook complained to no one.

He continued watching the show, eagerly awaiting the moment when the leads would share a kiss. He sulked and complained about scenes he didn't like, all while cradling his unborn baby.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Jungkook jerked a bit, clutching his stomach.

"Ugh...," he groaned. "It hurts."

His stomach was experiencing severe cramps, and he felt something flowing from his legs. His eyes teared up because of the pain coursing through him.

The world around him began to spin, and he struggled to remain conscious. He was unable to move from the couch due to the excruciating pain. Another contraction hit him, causing his whole body to shiver with sweat. Then, he noticed the blood flowing down, forcing him to tightly close his eyes and call for help.

"Jia s..ssi..." He tried to scream out for his maid , but his voice escaped as a mere whisper because it felt like his throat was clogged with a dry rag.

He squirmed uncomfortably in pain, blood flowing out from him. The only person he could call for help was his maid, who was working in the kitchen. Summoning all his strength, he grabbed the glass bowl he had used for popcorn earlier and hurled it with all his might. The bowl shattered into millions of pieces with a loud, shattering sound that boomed through the mansion.

Within seconds, two maids came running upon hearing the shattering noise, only to witness their young master squirming in pain, clutching his stomach with a red face.

"OMG, Jungkook ssi... I think you're going into labor. I need to call Taehyung ssi immediately," Jia exclaimed, rushing to grab her phone and dial Taehyung, who was currently in the office.

Taehyung was in a meeting with his new Arab clients when his phone started to vibrate in his pocket. At first, he considered ignoring the call, but his gut feeling told him to answer. He excused himself from the clients and took the phone, frowning at the sight of their maid calling him at this odd hour.

"Hello... wha~" Taehyung couldn't complete the sentence as the maid started to talk hurriedly.

"Taehyung ssi, come fast to the mansion. Your husband is going into labor, and he is bleeding heavily, which is not a good sign," the maid uttered rapidly, sending a shiver down Taehyung's spine.

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