Chapter 7: Mauretania || Part 1

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[[A/N: Well yay, this should be the highlights of your day, we will see Marcellus and Julia's wedding, and after that Juba and Selene's. Which wedding are you most looking forward to? Comment below. Vote if you enjoy :)

Edit (9/1/2016) I hope you enjoy the song. I love it haha, and it sets the mood for the scene.]]

[[12 April 25 B.C.E || two months have passed || Selene]]

"How is your baby, Valentina?" Julia inquired playing with the fabric of her dress.

I sat straight and frigid staring up at the blue sky wondering constantly what type of day tomorrow will be. It was a gorgeous spring day, and Demeter had blessed the spring months. Last month was full of rain, but this month, there were hardly any cloudy days. I turned towards our new visitor. Felix came into the room carrying his bubbling little daughter with Valentina, Oriana.

"Awe," I smiled wide at the blonde creature making faces at me, "may I carry her please?" I asked wondrously.

"Of course," Valentina took the lovely child out of Felix's arms and put her in my arms.

I looked down at the child, and she looked back at me. Oriana inherited her mother's blonde hair, but her father's dark coloring. She was a little darker than her mother in skin color and in eye color. She was a true Italian. I caressed the little child's cheek cooing softly, and then touching its tiny bound up fist. "I pray when I marry I will have a baby that looks just like you," I spoke, "and that he or she will be loved and live a long life." I took deep breath thinking about life.

"I think of Alexander, too." Julia spoke softly, "I really do miss him,"

"Remember the market in Ostia Antica?" Valentina suggested, "Remember when I told you I saw Alexander." She reminisced.

My jaw clenched, and I listened but did not pay much attention to their conversation, only to the lovely dark eyes of Oriana.

"I saw the boy," Julia spoke to Valentina, "he did not look like Alexander, his hair was dirty blonde."

"His hair was different yes," she looked haunted, "but the way his face it looked like Alexander. I swear..." she rubbed her head.

"It has been two months, Valentina," Julia stopped playing with the fabric of her dress, "Selene has moved on, we all have moved on, and I do not believe that could ever be Alexander. If it were he would have come to us, not board a ship with unidentifiable people." Julia spoke clearly and dominantly, hoping to make Valentina drop the atrocious topic. After a moment of silence, Julia asked to hold the baby.

I gently handed her the baby, careful not to let anger best me. I missed Alexander completely, I needed him near me, but I could not have him. When I move to Mauretania, I will relocate his urn there and put him in a mausoleum, where he belongs. For now, he will be safe inside the beautiful urn, Atticus had bestowed to me, inside my room.

"When I have a child," my attention was drawn away, yet again, as Julia spoke, "If a girl, I would name her Julia Caesarea after me and my father," she thought selflessly, "and if it is a boy, I wish to name him Gaius Julius Marcellus," she grinned, "he would be the pearl of Marcellus' eyes, and the greatest wish." Julia's eyes shined bright suddenly and she smiled happily at Oriana, who looked back at her with awe. "Ah, and you Selene? What would you name your children with Juba?"

Valentina took her baby back from Julia, but still listened to our conversation effectively. I never thought about children, however, I had a good idea. "I do not have a clue," I smiled, "however for a girl...I adore the name Alexandra Berenice or Arsinoe Cleopatra." I bit my bottom lip thinking of a Roman girl name; I thought of none; therefore, I thought of boy names. "For a boy, Ptolemy, in regards to little brother," I reminisced.

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