Chapter 30: Separation || Part 2

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[[Selene || Five Days later]]

Silence. All was silent; all but the flicker of the candle and Alexander's murmuring. I held his hand as he dreamt.

"Your fever is gone," I stared at him longingly, "yet while you may live, you have left me alone in the darkness of reality." I cupped his frigid hand with both of mine, "You left least it's temporary...I pray."

"Your Majesty," Laith inputted.


"I can take care of father now. The physician will arrive soon to check up on him. But you have matters to attend to."

I nodded, avoiding her gaze. "What do you think my Prince?" I asked Ptolemy who stood nearby covering his nose, hiding from the awful stench, but being respectful nonetheless.

"I think Lady Gormlaith has it under her control, Mater." He murmured from behind his little hands.

"Alright," I smiled at him and looked down at my brother. "Soon again, Elios. Soon." I looked up at his daughter, "Take good care of him, and yourself." I dropped my eyes down to her bulging belly. "I doubt you will have much problem. Your mother was a master breeder."

Laith smiled, "So it seems. Farewell," she bowed, "your Majesty."

"Come," I motioned for Ptolemy, who ran rather quickly, but at the same time courteously. The guards opened the doors and we followed Doran out of the hospital wing, towards the atrium, where King Juba would be inviting our special guest into very soon. I held my stomach with one hand, as I held Ptolemy with the other. I tried to remember Tiberius' face. He was probably different now. I heard of his defiance from Augustus and his mother. He was a different man altogether. He was also now married to Julia but they are estranged...much like how Juba and I are becoming. There were his differences, but I wondered if there would be any similarities. Why did I hope? The night of Juba's accident and my...night...with him flooded into my mind. I thought about Alexandria and her green eyes and beautiful auburn hair. How despite Juba accepting and naming her his child, she was very different from him. Although, she was definitely very much like me, with a difference...

"Mater?" Ptolemy asked.


"Why are we receiving a guest?"

"I don't know?" I pinched his little cheek, "Why don't you ask your father?"

"Mmm," he rubbed his cheek solemnly before grabbing my hand and holding it tightly. "Papa never comes to see me anymore. Besides I don't want to see Papa if he makes you sad all the time."

I smiled slightly, and lowered my head, "You need to remember never to call your Pater, Papa. Papa is what little boys call their fathers. Are you a little boy?"

"No," he chuckled, "I'm taller than most of the boys in court!"

"Exactly," grinned from ear to ear as I picked up my son. He joyfully wrapped his arm around my neck and looked down into my face. "You're a big boy. But I can't help but carry you around, like a younger one. You will always be my boy. Right Ptolemy?"

"Always." He kissed my nose, imitating what I often did.

I pecked Ptolemy on the lips and rub my nose against his. He kissed me back and I giggled. "My kisses are not only for your Pater, Ptolemy. Kisses are acts of love. Love is not one sided, nor is it only from a specific partner. Love is love, my child."

I set him down. He looked up quizzically, "So I love Doran? Can I kiss him?"

I laughed and blushed at the same time, glancing at Doran who tried to hide his smile. "Umm," I attempted to regain my composure, "If he loves you too, and allows you... I don't see why not?"

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