Chapter 15: Illium || Part 3

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"Julia," Agrippa swore, "Those foolish people will pay for making you journey through a flood! They will pay a great amount, I swear to you."

"Husband," she tried to console him, although she was just as outraged as he was, "please, do not punish these people."

"They gambled with your life!" he exclaimed, "And the life of our unborn child," he caressed her pregnancy bump, "They will pay."

She smiled half-heartedly and kissed his cheek, "As you wish."

Agrippa barked commands at a nearby scribe and left Julia quickly to tell the scribe his angry letter. I stood beside my own husband who busied himself with the doings of the King.

"Ugh!" He groaned. He ran his hands through his dark curly hair and sighed.

"What is the matter?" I settled my hands on his back and shoulder and leaned forward to kiss his head.

"I hate this," he dropped his reed pen and threw his papers off his desk. "Those people we left in charge of our kingdom are insolent. They have no imagination, all except Helios of course, he manages to do things right. I need to be back in the kingdom soon, my love." He caressed my cheek, "I was also wondering if you'd do me a favor."

"Anything," I wrapped my sweet hands around his neck and sat on his lap. He carried me on his lap and kissed my cheek gently.

"As you know," he ran his hands through my hair, "Kings and Queens or either, are always visited by their people. Many monarchs also visit the people. I would like you, my love, to walk through the cities and greet the people, collect some of the homage they will present you. All of Caesarea must know your beauty." He squeezes my hand playing with it in his hands, "After visiting the people in our city, we will venture together to other lands in our control, supervised by various nobles. The first noble we will visit us Prince Ammayas and his new bride Princess Roxana."

I giggled and curled around my husband flirtatiously. This seemed to bring a smile on his face. He relaxed and let me caress his face, as I continue to smile. "You have agreed to their marriage?"

"Yes," he was enamored, "if my Queen allows it."

"I think it will be good for Ammayas," I murmured, "and Roxana."

"Great. When we return, we will be there in time for their wedding."

I smiled and looked down at my belly. I rubbed it gently and he rubbed it too. Then we both looked up at the incoming couple - our hosts - and we had to separate. With my hands placed firmly on top of my miniature bulge, I walked to Julia whose baby bump was larger than mine. Whatever baby was in there would be a large one. I wondered if it would be a girl.

"Selene," Julia smiled, "please accompany me to my chambers."

"Of course," I answered and I followed her out of the men's office.

"Juba is going to make the people of Illium pay for not warning us," she was worried, "he says that he will place a tariff on them. Oh Selene, what would happen if they rallied against us, for being so unfair?"

"Juba will not be unfair," I promised and held Julia's shaking hand, "he will fine them, and they will pay because that is all they can do unless they desire to be destroyed."

"Selene," she said honestly, "I do not desire that."

"It won't come to that I promise."

"I desire peace and my husband is conjuring war."

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