Chapter 26: Dominus

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[[Alexander || June 10 B.C.E]]

I woke up to the sounds of market jargons, heated bargains, and the ship Captain's bombardments. My children's arms, wrapped around me, made it difficult to move underneath their arms.

"Wake up boy, we're here. Now," he looked at me quizzically with an arm on his hip, "in exchange for the voyage, as promised, you, your eldest daughter, and twin boys will become my master's slaves. Your two youngest will go to the orphanage, as my master only desired four slaves from this voyage to Britannia. He wanted skilled slaves, and you're younger children are just extra mouths to feed. No bargaining, that is the end of it."

I nodded and watched the Captain walk away towards his crew. I watched my two youngest children afterwards, wondering what would happen to them at the orphanage. With a knife wedged in my heart, and no words coming out of my mouth, I promised my Galen and Penelope that one day, I will save them. Hopefully, this situation does not last long. I embraced them all one last time and groaned. I spoke in Greek, "Come on children, let's watch the docks." As they all sullenly stood, I stood too, and immediately picked up Galen and Penelope. Holding them both in my arms, I looked lovingly into their eyes. "Caesarea is your home, my children. Let us be comforted that the Queen is not an ocean away. She will save us, if not, pray that the Gods will." I tried to sound hopeful, but I knew better than to believe that the Gods looked out for our well-being. They more than likely looked out to test our virtue, resilience, and intelligence by taking away everything until we have nothing. To cause suffering is what the Gods know best. I kissed my little children, silencing my thoughts. "More than anything, my loves, you must count on me to get you back, or you must count on yourselves to find your way back home."

"Father," Caden responded, "our family is a noble one, are we not ought to be discovered by someone? Anyone?"

"We may, if we are lucky, but this master we are being sent to, he lives in Carthage. We will not be here to see the Queen, but Galen and Penelope will be. They will live in the orphanage, but how can they approach the Queen?"

"Father we can escape," he whispered. "Take some horses, ride to the palace, to Volubilis where Aunt Helena is..."

"It is risky. This new master is prepared for anything. If only there was a way..."

"Lysander!" Nicolas beamed, "he is studying in the new temple of Isis, the Queen often goes there!"

"Oh Nicolas!" I picked embraced him. I looked down at my witty son, Galen, "you know what to do?"

The screams of the Captain telling everyone to begin unloading, and the rough stop of the boat docking itself in the harbor, assured us that we had no more time to plot. Galen and Penelope were our only safe option. But could they make it?

"Yes, father." Galen nodded,

The first mate of the ship approached and passed me a look of remorse. When he looked to my youngest children I nodded and looked to Galen, "Take care of Penelope, and go with this man. Be good."

"Yes Papa," Galen looked blankly at the first mate and accepted the large man's hand.

I turned to the to the man. His skin was shimmering with sweat underneath the summer sun, and his dark color, masked the dead skin spots from disease. I looked into his dark eyes considering the safety of my children.

"Do not worry, they will be fine. My disease is now benign. Captain's orders are you must go on another ship, where your master's head slave is awaiting you. Should be where most of the cargo is going. You must follow, there are guards and mercenaries everywhere, to make sure what the master bought is brought to him. Farewell." He took my children and left me suspicious of who was around me. I held Laith closer, being the only woman of delicate birth on this ship. When the cargo was unloaded the slaves followed. We followed after the lesser slaves, that would be brought with us to our temporary home. They are working slaves, the Captain told me, as the master chains workers with iron and skilled with gold. Which is what my remaining family and I were chained with as we exited the ship. I was thankful for the kind Captain, because he gave me this better option. I prayed I would never see another captain as a slave again. This cannot ever happen again. I still thank the Gods I am not Dead.

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