Chapter 9: Planning & Plotting

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[[Two months later \\ Selene]]

"Welcome," I smiled at my visitor briefly, before looking back down at my drawing. "How are you this gentle morning, Vitruvius?"

"Faultless," the architect smiled and sat beside me underneath the serene outdoor canopy.

The birds chirped lovely, the beach made beautiful echoes, the palace was quiet, without a doubt; however, the object that made my morning the happiest, was the tiny human growing within me.

"You look envious, my Queen," Vitruvius sat his things on the wooden table, after kissing my hand gently. He stood beside me looking at my drawing. "A mausoleum?" he inquired, "for whom is this building constructed for."

"For Juba and I," I focused more on detailed patterns of the limestone columns, "and Alexander." I added. I imagined the rooms inside this enormous building.

There would be chambers spiraling all around the inside of the pyramid. Each marble chamber propped up by countless marble tunnels, The pyramid, with the round top, would have layers of concrete, clay, and stone. Everything priceless, everything that was a part of our memories our family would be buried in these chambers, forever, until the last. Being the first monarchs, Juba and I will be at the very bottom of the pyramid. That would be the biggest. Alexander would have his own chamber somewhere in the Mausoleum.

"Beautiful designs," he complimented, "but Augustus eagerly requests that we finish designing the theater together."

I looked up from my drawing setting my quill on the table. I twisted my lips, and scrolled up my unfinished drawing. I called for my slave, Liana. "Liana, please put this away in my chamber. WIth the other scrolls, and please return with the scroll carrying the theater. You remember that one, do you not? It is the one you said looked like a Hermes' harp." I smiled.

"Oh," Liana nodded enthusiastically, "Indeed my Queen, I will go retrieve it." She relieved me of the mausoleum drawing and walked out of the splendid gardens into the palace.

"Is Augustus impatient for a new theater?" I laid back on my chair, crossing my legs, and looking up at Vitruvius.

"Quite," he smiled.

"You may be seated," I allowed, "what does he desire to with it?"

"He intends to make it a gift."

"Let me guess," I grinned, "for Marcellus."

"Yes," Vitruvius called a slave over asking for refreshments. The slave glanced quickly to me and I nodded in return. The slave walked away and Vitruvius continued, "You remember?"

"Of course," I giggled, "he's one of my closest companions."

The slave returned with the refreshments, handing us both a cup of wine and setting the food down on a portable small table. Liana returned with my drawing as the slave bowed and turned.

"Here you are, my Queen." she bowed and walked respectfully away.

I set the scroll down, still rolled. "I wish to visit him on his birthday," I say lonesomely.

Vitruvius' lips tightened and he looked disapprovingly at me.

"I know quite well that I cannot leave Mauretania," my eyes focused on the still gardens, "especially now, in my condition."

"How is your health, anyway?"

"I am thriving. I am usually on the bed or lounging anyway. Juba is very persistent in my need for daily exercise. He tells me to take walks, no more large activities such as running the household, talking to courtiers, seeing my horse. It's as if I were as swollen as a pumpkin in only eight weeks." I sigh.

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