Chapter 30: Separation || Part 4

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I woke up in the dark. Filth, bruises, and insecurities harbored every portion of my body. I could hear the swishing of the ocean and splashing of water against the wall. I raised my pained body and touched my stomach, feeling the scant irritated fabric of thin wool. It was a dirty white that staled to an almost pale yellow or bright beige. I lifted my fingers to my eyes and then moved my hand behind my head. I felt a small bump bulging above my skull. I wanted to cry as I got up, because I felt so much pain on my sides. I felt like I was stepped on, tossed, dropped, and beaten until blood pooled over my skin.

"Isis," I groaned and tried fiercely hard to lift myself up off the dirty floor. Using the wall as leverage, I stood on top of the shaky floor. My head buzzed and creatures of the darkness scattered across the floor and my feet. "Gods," I kept walking slowly around the room feeling the different furniture inside I could only guess was the bottom of the ship. "Help!" I yelled. "Help!"

Silence. Noise. The scream of anguish and death echoed from above, followed by the grotesque creak of the iron hinges of a door.

"Please come out Your Majesty, our master demands your presence." A man barged into the room standing in front of a blurry bright red-yellow light. I shut my eyes immediately and placed my head against the malicious wall. I did not move from my place and listened to harsh footsteps walk into the dark nefarious room.

Weakly I allowed him to pull me from the wall, and lead me out the room. The light from the lamps hurt my eyes at first, but I slowly adjusted to the brightness.

"Who is your master?" I demanded weakly.

He did not answer.

"Did you hear me?" I spoke louder.

He still did not answer, and I narrowed my eyes to the floor thinking of other things to say. My feet were dirty and bare.

"How long was I here?"

He did not answer.

"I am pleading you, sir. Whoever you are..." I murmured, "give me the decency to tell me how long I have been away from my children. Have pity on a mother."

He stayed quiet and my hope sunk feverently lower. He pushed me up some steps that led to even brighter rooms and more steps. I climbed sheepishly my feet prickling against the poorly sanded floors causing callouses to form on my toes. I felt an ache in my temple again and raised my fingers to my face. He pushed me up again and I almost stumbled. I felt for the walls and urged myself to move forward.

"Stop." He finally said. "Left."

The air was crisp, and the sky was a navy blue. It would be dawn soon, yet the moon -- I could still see it's shine -- glowed like a perfect white pearl amongst waves of black silk. I rubbed my temple as the guard led me to another room. It was warmer; I could feel the warmth from the hearth burning peacefully and the smell of roasted cinnamon blanketed the room. He pushed me into a seat and gruffly walked away.

"Have you been treating her that way this entire time? I will whip you." An unfamiliar voice scorched throughout the room.

My guard groaned.

"I apologize Auntie."

Shocked, I shook my head and rubbed my hands through my face, only to peer at him with partially closed eyes.

"Sorry," he smiled charmingly at me and stood. He walked right and picked up a wet linen. "Here let me clean you up."

I allowed him to wipe my face, and gradually my eyes opened. I stared at him. His childish features held a hint of seriousness. He caressed my cheek when he decided I was all cleaned up. His silver blue eyes poured into mine and he smiled softly, "You're still as beautiful as I remember."

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