Chapter 39: Dream

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[[Selene || Early March 5 B.C.E]]

He stood there draped in a blue tunic embellished with golden patterns in the hem, collar, and short sleeves. His white toga with sapphire blue strips acknowledging his prowess built his confidence. His golden olive arms were muscular, his jaw set and strong, his eyes were an illustrious hazel blue that lured men and women alike to him. He stood taller than everyone and his gorgeous sisters decked in the loveliest colors added as ornaments to his every growing beauty.

"Cousin," a young man addressed him, "may I take you through the Grand Palace, myself. I am sure Drusus would like to accompany Drusilla, and Gaius would adore accompanying your beautiful sister Cleopatra."

"Of course," He smiled. He watched his sisters skeptically before walking around the atrium with his cousin. In the center of the atrium was four shallow pools filled with pink rose petals and slaves dancing exotically above them. Few people watched the carnal splendor, but he and his cousin ignored them, favoring something of higher substance.

"I hear," he began, "that there is a gorgeous Princess from the East waiting to be married."

He grinned, "There are many princesses in the East who desire marriage, Lucius."

Lucius smirked, "Yes, but this one is beautiful, with a large fortune of her own. I have met her too, and she is very charming."

"Her name?" he asked.

"She's the cousin of the Emesene King, Julia Urania."

"Oh," he laughed, "all Julia's are pretty." He searched for one in particular, "but is she as pretty as Julianna?"

"Mmm," Lucius pondered, "very close to winning her in the game of beauty."

"Oh shall you be Paris then?" He jestered.

"I won't start another Trojan war, by stealing your woman." Lucius picked up a glass of wine and drank half in a large gulp, "But I think your mother would have approved."

He lost the desire for conversation as he remembered his mother, who he had last seen when he was only eight. The death of his mother swelled up his heart.

I woke up from my dream, and coughed my daily dosage of blood. I was acquainted with the metallic taste and the desire now. I did not move anymore, I stayed in my bed, waiting for the day. Larissa took care of me and Nefer, as always, and I received guests a little frequently now. I had finished my will and my letter to Ptolemy yesterday, and asked the healthy slaves to retrieve Alexander. He had them now, everything. I had done everything I needed to do. But even then, I felt angry that I had to leave them all behind, when they still needed me.

Perhaps to the Gods, they did not need me as much anymore. I continued my line, and Alexander contributed. Perhaps I should make one more addition to my will, that Galen or Penelope shall marry one of my children, so that Alexander's line and mine will forever be entwined. Perhaps, it shall be my lovely Kleopatra for Galen, because she was just a secondary Princess that lacked the station of the elder princess. Yes, Kleopatra shall marry Galen. I reminded myself to tell Larissa to write it down on a note.

I stared at the canopy, and felt the darkness of the room all too numbingly. I was extremely tired.

Larissa entered the chamber with her daily sedatives. I was sick of those too. I denied them.

"Selene," she pleaded, "you need to take these."

I shook my head, "I don't." I looked to Nefer who sat gingerly entangled on it's branches. "Bring Nefer to me."

"Selene." She spoke appalled.

"I don't care if it bites me, my body is weak with pain. What more can poison do now?"

"Suicide is a cowards death." She responded viciously.

"My parents committed suicide," I snapped, "you dare call them cowards?"

"No, but."

"Bring her to me."

Larissa obeyed and looking down, she picked up Nefer, and brought her to my bed. This had agitated her a little, but she soothed upon seeing me. I extended my arms out for her and she slithered around it slowly climbing up until her slited golden green eyes peered into mine. She wiggled out her tongue, letting it touch my face. I showed her my unhabited arm, particularly my wrist. I commanded, "Mordeo (Bite)."

She didn't bite; she only looked at my wrist, tasting it with her flicking tongue. I repeated, "Mordeo (Bite)."

She continued to watch it, until I exasperatedly started to lower down my weak arm, and then finally she bit the upper part of the arm she was attached to. I flinched, acknowledging the sharp instant pain, and then it was over. I laid weakly as the snake pulled its blood soaked teeth out. "Bonum (good)."

I kissed her head and she laid on my arm resting gingerly until Larissa offered her arm to take her away. Larissa used a hot towel to wipe the blood away from the marks. "How do you feel?"

"The same."

"You think this will speed up the process?"

"If it does not, you must kill me before my body becomes worse."

"I can't do that."

"If you love me," I pleaded, "you must. I will die like a Queen. With the look of grace," I pulled the blanket higher, "Understand?"

"Yes," She said reluctantly.

"Also when I die, you must take Nefer to His Highness, Helios. He will be her new owner."

"Yes, Selene." She nodded and walked away to retrieve the food she brought.

I shook my head and started coughing again. I coughed harder and longer, spilling more blood than the many times before, and I tried hard to stop but it was fruitless.

"Selene!" Larissa yelled, "Help!" She yelled as she cradled me in her arms, catching the blood that spilled from her mouth. "Help! The Queen needs help! Please! Help!"

The guards kicked the door open and entered the room followed by the slaves and the physicians.

The physician began, "Quickly! Get the sage and hot water!"

Their faces were blurry, my heart was erratic, and the metal taste of my own blood flooded my mouth escaping down into my hair. I closed my eyes and entered an unwelcome sleep, in which they commanded me not to do.

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