Chapter 11: Dylan's Kiss || Part 2

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I lifted my son gently onto a gingerbread colored barb, and spoke in tender Greek to the North African horse. It seemed to understand and like it, however the confusion on my oldest son's face made me chuckle.

"Papa what are you saying?" he petted the mane of the large creature, and held its reins tightly.

"I am just complimenting him, son, as your grandfather taught me."

"Your Papa taught you to speak to horses?"

I smiled slightly, "You can say that," I kissed my son's head, before moving away from the horse and pulling the halter to lead the barb safely through the sand.

Flamma, a loyal friend, followed behind the barb with her foal, Hexus. Like Flamma, Hexus is a purebred Andalusian horse, imported from the Iberian Peninsula. It's good to have a Andalusian horse, without having to purchase it. In that case I could sell this barb. Barbs are temperamental, and Hexus would prove a better companion for my young son. I would acquire some more foals for my other children, maybe.

"Papa!" Nicholas's high pitched voice sounded through the field, and I realized my son had move around too much and was falling off his saddle.

Taking action, I stopped the barb, speaking in a hushed tone, so that my son does not startle the tamed beast. However, I was too late. My insolent son had kicked the horse in his effort to climb back on top, and so the barb soared in an everlasting fit. I ran after the barb, yelling for my son to hold on. I was angry, worried, and determined. I wanted to pull the rope back and bring the horse back to its senses. I didn't have it, but I wanted it. I ran faster after the barb and with assiduousness met with the barb. It was taking all my energy not to fall back behind the horse. I reached for my son.

"Nicholas!" I exclaimed and reached. My son, terrified with the fast running horse did not open his eyes. "Nicholas open your eyes now!" I screamed angrily.

Nicholas opened his eyes, in what felt like forever. "Papa!"

"Come here!"

"Papa I'm scared!"

"I'll get you, I promise."

He shook his head in fear, screaming as the bewildered horse kept running.

I did not quit running, but somehow the sounds of my screaming child enhanced the barb's speed. I eventually fell back, and Flamma jerked her head beside me. I jumped onto Flammas back and rode her indefatigably, with my intent focused on retrieving my son.

Once again, I met with the fierce barb and I called for Nicholas.

Nicholas looked up at me, his little fists white with fear and tightness. "Come now son, please I beg of you, all you have to do is crawl onto my lap."

I moved Flamma closer to the barb, but that seemed to anger him. He slammed his body against Flamma, and Flamma angry slammed her body against him. With one hand on the reins I reached for my frightened son. I touched his blonde head, caressing it. He looked up at me, fear blinding him.

"Venit (Come) Nico," I coaxed, "let's go home now."

The child looked at me with his mother's cool eyes, and shamefully looking down, shook his head. "I can't Papa."

"Yes," I told him through a clenched jaw, "you can. Now come here."

The child numb with fear would not go, so I tightened my legs around Flamma's thrashing body, my right leg receiving plenty of crushing blows, and brought both my arms over my son. I pried him off the barb, grunting in pain and trying to keep my balance.

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