Prologue: The Long Journey

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P.S. Dedication to @Go_Figure for the awesome banner on the side. -------->>>]]

[23 August 30 BC]

I sat there on a stool facing the large mirror in front of me. Staring at how awfully Roman I had become. I am ten, yet I must already face the extremities of an adult life. A few weeks ago my brothers and I had been taken from our home in Alexandria, and put into this cage full of deceit and death. My dearest baby brother had perished, and gone to see my parents in the underworld ruled by Osiris before we even set foot on Rome. I still remember the day.


{[August 9, 30 BC]}

"Selene!" My brother, Alexander, woke me up from my slumber. 

"Selene!" my brother kept shaking me.

I got up rather irritated, and looked at my brother's worried face. The familiar feeling of anxiety and fear wiggled around my stomach like maggots in a carcass. 

"What is it?" I asked. He looked back over to our younger brother Ptolemy, he was pale and I couldn't see the scarlet color upon his cheeks. His fever broke...or...I quickly leapt from the bed, pushing my twin brother aside, and running towards Ptolemy. My stained linen chiton clung to me and almost caused me to trip. My long dark hair was swayed everywhere and my leather sandals loudly slapped the floor. "Ptolemy!" I yelled determined and full of grief, "No Ptolemy, please." I placed my hands around his light, lukewarm face, "Isis No."

As I reached my little brother's bed and put his fragile body in my arms, I saw his bright and beautiful blue eyes. "Ptolemy," I whispered worriedly joyfully.

Alexander quickly ran to me sitting nearby, behind Ptolemy's head. Worry etched on his boyish face. He caressed Ptolemy's youthful blonde hair, hoping to ease the pain away, with this loving gesture. Something to remind my dearest baby brother that pain was only temporary. 

He gave me a soft smile, flashing his baby teeth that hadn't quite all fallen. It reminded me, uneasily, of my father's smile. They had the same striking looks, and it depressed me to see my baby brother, who looks so much like my father, leave too.

"Ptolemy," I held his sickly body close to me. I hugged him hoping he would not pass through this world to the next, yet. It wasn't his time; it shouldn't have. 

"S-sister," Ptolemy hissed weakly. His light olive complexion had become as alabaster white, and his innocent light blue irises grew dull as his little eyes reddened underneath. They were swollen, either from disease or from crying. Ptolemy still cried, and I desired to do everything remove the pain. 

"Yes?" I asked hopefully, tears already threatening to spill.

"I love you," He said with his last breath. His tiny body tensed in my arms, jerking slightly before it entered an eternity of inertness. As quickly as he stopped, the shine from his blue eyes vanished, and those young eyes hid behind dark eyelids.

"Ptolemy!" I yelled with a heart-wrenching agony, tears falling from my hallow eyes. "No!" My voice failed as sobs escaped, one after the other. Alexander propped his arm around me, while I held Ptolemy close to me, his soft delicate blonde hair brushing against my chin. "Ptolemy." I whispered, gently rocking my little brother's corpse. I shut my eyes so tight all I saw was darkness and large white stars. 

Alexander sobbed softly behind me, but when the door shoved open wide, he stopped sobbing, and I felt his arms leave me. I opened my eyes and saw he hid his tears, looking forlornly at our dead brother, wishing he could mourn him like me. 

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