Chapter 2: Brother Fei Fan! (Extraordinary Brother)

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"November 2nd, clear skies. I've been here for two years and one month."

"I saw that woman yesterday, and she made me so mad. She's a woman who has nothing in her mind except work. If she wasn't so good-looking, I would have flipped out on her long ago."

"But it's not like I have any power to do that anyways."

"What I've been testing has yielded some results. It seems that my ability can indeed absorb Oripathy. However, this information should have been hidden by that woman. A rare moment where she is actually helpful."

"I remember I brought something with me when I came to this world, but when I entered the LGD, everything was confiscated. There was a... wristband? Or a watch? I feel like that might be the key to going back. This world is way too dangerous for my liking."

"Still don't get how or why I came to this world, it's not like I died or anything..."

Just as Xiu Xian was about to continue writing, he was interrupted by a knocking sound on the door. He looked at the words on the computer screen and swiftly deleted them and closed the document.

Xiu Xian was just an ordinary psychology major before his inexplicable arrival at the Lungmen Guard Department. Along with the mysterious world he found himself in, he was immediately thrown into the dangerous job of being a spy right after finally figuring out his circumstances. Needless to say, he is very stressed.

Writing was his way of relieving that stress.

However, Xiu Xian never kept what he wrote. Once he finished, he deleted everything. You won't be catching him saving anything, even a draft.

The knocking sound on the door continued, along with someone's cries, "Brother Fei Fan! Help, Brother Extraordinary!"

Upon hearing this name, Xiu Xian's face twitched, and he opened the rolling door with an annoyed expression, saying, "How many times do I have to tell you? It's Dr. Xiu! Come in!"

A man entered carrying a little girl who was struggling to breathe.

Xiu Xian recognized this man, his name was Kili. Although he looks like a regular citizen, he is actually a bladed fighter of the Reunion movement.

As for Xiu Xian's current identity, he is an underground doctor specialized in treating Infected patients.

Or rather, apart from Oripathy, Xiu Xian didn't know how to treat any other illnesses.

His current identity was arranged by Chen, and within the Reunion movement, he was merely a peripheral member.

However, due to his method of handling Oripathy, anyone who came into contact with him for treatment would sincerely call him 'Brother Extraordinary.' with respect.

As for the reason why...

"What's going on?" Xiu Xian asked as he watched Kili place his daughter on the operating table. It was called an operating table, but in reality, it was just a regualr table with a light.

Xiu Feifan looked at the girl whose arm was already covered in Oripathy crystals.

"Did the Oripathy suddenly spread?" he asked.

"Yeah," Kili replied anxiously, "Brother Fei Fan, you have to save my daughter."

"I know." Xiu Xian walked to the girl's side and placed his hand on the crystal, something that a normal person wouldn't dare touch. "Didn't I already stabilize her condition last time? Why did it suddenly worsen?"

"Due to certain events within the organization, they suddenly started a large-scale investigation. Our residence was no longer safe, so we had to move," Kili explained helplessly. "You advised me last time to avoid moving and to rest as much as possible, but this time there was no choice."

Xiu Xian looked at the expression on this guy's face, his eyes shifting left and right, biting his lip, clearly hiding something.

Xiu Xian's expression became serious. "You better tell me the real reason. Her current condition wasn't caused by moving. We don't want anything to happen to this girl, do we?"

Kili clenched his teeth. He didn't intend to spill any secrets, but under Xiu Xian's gaze, he couldn't withstand the pressure any longer. "As far as I know, it seems to be related to the incident in Lungmen. The movement discovered several spies, even among some of the elite squads. The leader ordered a thorough investigation."

Xiu Xian was taken aback; did the few pieces of information he provided according to his memory cause such a stir within Reunion?

Those spies were really unlucky.

He quickly asked, "What does that have to do with your daughter?"

"Some people couldn't keep their hiding places a secret anymore and reported our location to the police to buy time," Kili said, his face pale. "On our retreat, my girl used her arts to protect me."

Xiu Xian narrowed his eyes. "So, you might have been tailed by... people from the police?"

Kili panicked, "I swear I wasn't followed! I... I..."

"Alright." Xiu Xian waved his hand. "Go change your clothes in the back room and hide your gauntlets. I'll deal with the situation here. First, stabilize the girl's condition."

"Thank you, Brother Fei Fan!" Kili's voice was like a huge burden being lifted.

Xiu Xian's eye twitched, and he walked to the operating table.

He placed his hand on the girl's shoulder, and a faint yellow light appeared in his palm.

This was a power he obtained after arriving in this world. Xiu Xian had thought it was useless at first—it had no temperature and couldn't destroy anything. But... It was a completely different story when it came to Oripathy.

As the light emerged, the Oripathy crystals on the girl's shoulder actually began to dissipate.

It wasn't falling off, but as if they were eroded by something, they disappeared!

Xiu Xian himself also felt a surge of warmth flowing within his body.

The heat flow is the source of Xiu's "power".

This is his method of treatment. In fact, given enough time, Xiu Xian could theoretically cure the girl, transforming her from an Infected individual into a normal person. However, he wouldn't dare to do such a thing.

He has no power or influence. Since his appearance, he has been without any backing. If his ability were to be discovered, he would be completely defenseless. He would certainly be captured and experimented on, perhaps they'll dissect him.

The only person in this world who knows his secret is Ch'en, the same Ch'en who threw him into Reunion.

But where did the Originium go?

A few minutes later, the crystallization of Originium on the girl's body had disappeared, and Xiu Xian had several crystals on his shoulder.

He reached in with his hand, and there were two clicking sounds.

A complete crystallization, a black rock with a colorful sheen, was snapped off his shoulder by him.

Xiu Xian casually rubbed it, and the black shell fell off, revealing some slightly reddish fragments.

Originium fragments!

Looking at these things, he couldn't help but sigh to himself, "If only I had this ability back then, would I still need to skip lunch for a whole month to afford 50 pulls?"

Just as Xiu Xian was immersed in his own world, thinking about how this ability would have been so useful, he suddenly heard a series of impatient knocking on the rolling door!

"Bang, bang, bang!"

"Ursus patrol unit! Open up! We know there are people inside!"

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