Chapter 19: It's Good to be Prepared

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The situation they're in is certainly not optimistic.

Originium arts of all sorts ran rampant, and artillery roared.

The hidden Reunion forces beghan their fierce confrontation with the Ursines. Talulah's flames that could destroy everything in its path burn up to the sky.

The battlefield was divided into several sections, and it seemed difficult to travese through any of them.

"I suggest we abandon the vehicle," Crownslayer said. "It's so chaotic. We can simply run over there."

"Chaos is the problem," Xiu Xian didn't agree with Crownslayer's suggestion. "Having a vehicle provides speed and defense. Without it, we would be left to face arts and shells with our own bodies. In such a chaotic battlefield, who knows what might come falling down?"

"I'll be alert for targeted attacks."

"And what about stray bullets?" Xiu Xian stopped Crownslayer's thoughts of abandoning the vehicle and running away. "Keep driving."

"We can't be that unlucky, right?"

"Damn it, I never believe in luck," Xiu Xian reminisced. "Back in the day, while playing a game, I dodged bombs, got kills, and looted in one go! And then the game dropped three fucking artillery strikes on me!"

"Your cowardice is exceptional."

"I'm being rational," Xiu Xian said. "Our vehicle will only be attacked by fellow Reunion memebrs. Besides commanders, who can harm an armored vehicle? Ordinary members can't do anything to us, right? Giving up on it would be foolish, wouldn't it?"

"You're the one being foolish," Crownslayer said, but in her heart, she already knew what to do. She stepped on the accelerator, and the vehicle's speed increased once again.

They maneuvered through the battlefield, amidst explosions and rampant Originium energy.

However, a charging Chernobog armored vehicle will definitely catch some eyes on this battlefield.

Chernobog was celebrating, while Reunion wore worried expressions.

As Xiu Xian said, no one could stop them.

However, the journey was naturally not going to be this easy. With two explosive blasts, the armored vehicle suddenly lifted on one side. Fortunately, Xiu Xian reacted quickly, removed the seatbelt, and forcefully slammed his body in the opposite direction to regain balance.

"Can you give me a heads-up the next time you step on me!" Crownslayer complained next to him. "To the south, it's Skullshatterer."

"Stop complaining. Let's focus on getting out alive. I'll let you step on me all you want when we get back, alright?" Saying this, Xiu Xian opened the hatch and shouted outside, "Lord Skullshatterer!! Friendly fire!! Friendly fire!"

As he shouted, Crownslayer sharply turned the steering wheel, causing the vehicle to veer to the right. Meanwhile, a shell exploded on the left side.

Xiu Xian was thrown off balance by the sudden sharp turn and hit his head on the side of the vehicle's roof. Just as he recovered, the blast wave from the explosion caused the mounted machine gun to swing back and hit him again.

"Fucking hell!" Xiu Xian rubbed his head and grabbed the intercom in the compartment. "Help me activate the speaker. This counter-terrorism vehicle should have that function, right?"

Crownslayer pulled out her hand and nodded, "Go ahead! Hurry, I don't know how many more I can dodge. Skullshatterer is fast, and it's chaotic here!"

"Then remember to protect me when we get back," Xiu Xian suddenly interjected.

"Huh?" Before Crownslayer could react, she heard Xiu Xian's voice amplified by the vehicle's loudspeaker system.

"Goddamn it, Brittle Bones! You're shooting at friendly forces! Friendly forces! Grow some eyes!"


The shell exploded fifteen meters away from Xiu Xian's vehicle.

Whether Skullshatterer heard Xiu Xian's shout and diverted fire or if he was warning Xiu Xian, that was unknown.

"Seems like it had some effect," Xiu Xian looked towards the distance where Reunion was clearing the way for them. "Hey! It actually worked."

"Hehehe," Crownslayer chuckled dryly. "You should be praying right now."


"Praying that you won't have to cooperate with him in the future."

Once the road was clear, the armored vehicle carrying Xiu Xian roared forward. It was at this moment that Xiu Xian realized the entire outer city was in chaos.

He initially thought that after passing through Reunion, the outside would be a smooth path, but it wasn't the case.

Everywhere was in battle. Even in what should have been the rear, both Reunion and Chernobog members were fighting.

The screeching of brakes sounded, and the armored vehicle came to a stop by the roadside.

Crownslayer unfastened her seatbelt and prepared to jump down.

"What are you doing?"

"Helping!" Crownslayer pointed to the rear compartment. "There should still be some melee weapons in there that you can use for self-defense. It's relatively safe for you here. You can drive back by yourself."

Upon hearing this, Xiu Xian hurriedly jumped out as well."Dafuq? Don't just do things so impulsively."

"Everyone is in battle," Crownslayer looked at Xiu Xian with an extremely serious expression. "You want me to drive away? Xiu Fei Fan, I'm your superior, not your bodyguard! I've already helped you this far, now you can drive back by yourself."

How could Xiu Xian drive back by himself? He was just an outsider, having only met a few high-ranking members. He hadn't even seen most of the internal members.

Now, he was going to drive to the temporary stronghold of Reunion in a Ursus vehicle?

It's basically attempting suicide!

Xiu Xian took a deep breath. "Get in the car. You don't have to leave. I'll help you."

"Help me?"

Xiu Xian pointed to the mounted machine gun on the vehicle. "Even if you're skilled, you can only take them out one by one. With this thing, we can take them out in swathes."

Crownslayer looked at the machine gun. "You'll be the one shooting?"

"I've never touched this thing before," Xiu Xian took out his handgun. "I can handle this at most. I'll drive, and you can shoot."

"So, you do know how to drive."

"Don't worry, I have a driver's license. It's just an accelerator, brake, clutch, and a steering wheel, right?" Xiu Xian said, jumping into the driver's seat.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Crownslayer said, although she still got into the vehicle. Inside the car, Xiu Xian forcefully turned the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator.


The armored vehicle collided with a nearby stone pillar!

Crownslayer was hit hard in the stomach and endured the pain as she shouted, "What the hell! I thought you had a driver's license!"

"Traffic congestion is common in Lungmen. After getting a driver's license, I hardly ever used it. Don't worry, just let me get used to it first."

Crownslayer gritted her teeth, "Why did you even bother getting a driver's license if you don't drive!"

"With more skills comes more options. It's good to be prepapred, you know? Don't talk to me, you're distracting me from driving."

Frustrated, Crownslayer trembled with anger. "You... you... you call that driving?!"

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