Chapter 32: Couple's Bath?

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Note: Sorry for the lack of updates over the past few days, I've been kinda busy and this will likely continue for the next couple days :((

Bang bang bang, the knocking on the door continued.

The guards from the Guard Bureau outside were getting impatient. "Hotel staff, open the door!"

With a click, the door opened, revealing Xiu Xian with wet hair. He had a T-shirt on his upper body and was only wearing boxers. He opened the door and exclaimed, "What's going on? This quality of service is way too shit for a five star hotel!"

When he saw the two officers, Xiu Xian first froze for a moment, then looked frustrated. "Ah sirs! What's going on? Why are you here at a five-star hotel?"

One of the officers glanced at Xiu Xian. "Investigating a case. Who cares about the five-star hotel, we'd even barge into the homes of politicians! What were you doing just now?"

"If you don't know how to use your eyes, I suggest donating them to someone who needs them, sir!" Xiu Xian ran his hand through his hair. "I was taking a shower! The water was loud, so I couldn't hear."

However, Chu Ning popped up and, seeing Xiu Xian, exclaimed in surprise, "Fei Fan! What are you doing here?"

Xiu Xian reacted quickly and slammed the door!

One of the officers from the LGD quickly held the door with a snap. "What are you doing? We haven't finished investigating!"

This time, before Xiu Xian could speak, Chu Ning had already squeezed his way over and grabbed Xiu Xian by the collar. "What is the meaning of this, Xiu Fei Fan? What did you say when we came here? Ah!"

Even without any rehearsal, Xiu Xian understood Chu Ning's meaning. He immediately looked embarrassed. "Ah, Chuchu... I... I... let me explain."

"Explain my ass!" Chu Ning directly pushed Xiu Xian against the wall, furious. "You said you would help me pursue her! Is this how you're helping me? You even went into her room!"

"Hey, hey, hey." The two LGD officers were overwhelmed by the scene. One of them stepped forward. "Um, you can settle your private matters later. We are currently investigating a case. Please cooperate."

"Stop with your damn investigation!" Chu Ning's body trembled with anger. "Who are you trying to arrest? Just arrest this bastard first! I'll be your witness!"

"Damn, Chuchu, you're going too far!"

"That's enough!" Another officer interrupted their conversation. "Can you two restrain yourselves? We need to investigate—"

At that moment, the bathroom door pushed open, and Crownslayer revealed half of her head and shoulder. She also had wet hair and said, "Darling? Why is it so noisy out here?"

When she saw the group of people outside, she screamed and quickly retreated back into the bathroom!

Chu Ning couldn't believe that Crownslayer would go to such lengths to cooperate with their act. He was stunned for a second, but Chu Ning's eyes quickly turned red. "You guys even took a couple's bath!!"

Saying that, Chu Ning pounced on Xiu Xian, holding him tightly. "I'll kill you!"

"Don't push it too far! Love isn't about promises; it's about feelings!" Xiu Xian fought back and started wrestling with Chu Ning.

The two LGD officers were utterly frustrated. They couldn't care less about the investigation anymore and hurriedly separated the two.

Even when they were pulled apart, they each managed to kick the other.

"Stop fighting!" one officer scolded. "If you continue, I'll really arrest both of you! If you keep causing trouble, it's a matter of obstructing official duties, and you'll end up behind bars for ten days or even half a month!"

Upon hearing this, Xiu Xian and Chu Ning gradually "calmed down."

But they still glared at each other.

Seeing this, the two officers breathed a sigh of relief. "Go back to your respective rooms."

Xiu Xian and Chu Ning walked towards the same room.

"Hey, hey, hey, I said go back to your own rooms!"

"I'm staying with him." Chu Ning scoffed. "Sir, isn't it a coincidence?"

The officer forcefully pulled Xiu Xian back, then coughed twice. "If you two can't resolve your specific conflicts, we'll send other officers to help you. But we have other matters to attend to today, so you better behave. If either of you causes trouble, you won't get away with it!"

With that, the officer dragged Xiu Xian into Crownslayer's room. "You stay here." Then he looked at Chu Ning. "You go back."

"Why me?" Chu Ning was taken aback. "Why not him..."

"Just go back when I tell you to! Stop talking nonsense! Do you want to be arrested or something?"

Chu Ning gritted his teeth, then reluctantly returned to his own room, constantly looking back.

"Sorry, ah sir." Seeing Chu Ning go back, Xiu Xian smiled happily. "Sorry for the trouble."

"Forget it, it's only because we have other tasks today!" The officer glared at Xiu Xian. "If it was any other day, I would've definitely punished you!"

Xiu Xian smiled and sighed, "I can tell you're experienced with this as well~"

"For fuck's sake!"

"Alright, alright." The other officer quickly pulled Xiu Xian back. "Let's focus on the job. I don't want to be the last team to finish. We won't even have supper."

The officer who warned Xiu Xian glared at him and snorted before leaving.

Xiu Xian closed the door and let out a long sigh of relief.

Finally, they managed to deceive them. If they had really come in to investigate and discovered the originium energy in the room, things wouldn't have been optimistic. Moreover, Crownslayer still had crystallized originium on her body.

The bathroom door opened, and Crownslayer, wrapped in a bathrobe, wiped her red hair and looked at Xiu Xian. "Is it settled?"

"Yes." Xiu Xian nodded. "Chu Ning reacted quickly."

"And you weren't slow either." Crownslayer walked to the side of the bed, putting on her jeans and squinting at Xiu Xian. "Are you still looking?"

Xiu Xian turned around. "Modern problems require modern solutions."

"Is your 'modern solution' to make me take off my pants and pretend we were having a couple's bath?" Crownslayer asked.

"Among the several options, this was the simplest and most effective. Plus, it didn't cause much damage to either of us."

"Oh, really? Do you have any other options?"

"Well, for example, we could pretend to 'chat' while lying under the covers on the bed, but based on my knowledge of physiology, it would be hard to make convincing expressions, even if every woman is an expert at faking orgas..."

A pillow fiercely hit the back of Xiu Xian's head. "Shut up!"

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