Kronii: Tsundere Confession Part 3

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*Mumei pov*

"Hey Kronii, take this," I softly said as I reached out my arm, trying to get her to take the ice cream I just got for her, but she was lost in her thoughts. So far, this date has been going well, but I can't convince her to confess to me; instead, she is going to keep up this pathetic farce that she isn't in love with Fauna, and I "Earth to Kronii!" I repeated, and she snapped out of her trance and blinking a few times before realizing I had ice cream for her.

"Thank you, Mumei." She calmly exchanged the ice cream, and she began to eat it blissfully.

"You know Kronii." I bought that because I love you." I mentioned Kronii nodded but didn't say a word. She could tell I was getting agitated, but she still didn't confess to me. I don't know how I'm going to get this woman to confess, but I'm going to do it because I love her.

"Hey Mumei, theoretically, if I kissed you right now, how would you react?" Kronii questioned

"I don't know. I mean probably the same way I reached you when you kissed me like an hour ago," I replied.

Kronii stood there, her mouth agape. I seemingly broke her: "I-What!?" She yelled; her words were barely coherent enough to understand.

"Kronii, it's okay, I liked you kissing me!" I told her

"M-Mumei, I only did that on impulse!" Kronii cried out.

"And why did you have that impulse?" I slyly asked

"Ughh...." She grumbled

"Kronii, it's okay. You can take your time and confess your love to me when you are ready." I giggled.

"Mumei, I have something to tell you!" Kronii said loudly:

"And that is!" I cheerfully asked, awaiting the words that were going to exit her mouth next.

"This ice cream is really good!" She blurted out:

I felt my entire worldview shatter in a matter of seconds. I just implanted the confession in her head. How the hell could she turn this into telling me that the ice cream is good? I know it's good; it's fucking ice cream!

"Kronii, anything else you want to say?" I asked, and she gave it some deep thought, but eventually she nodded, "Tell me." I suggested, only to get another nod.

"You see, I think we should go see Fauna again." Kronii stated

"S-sure..." I sighed

Fauna didn't want me to come back unless Kronii confessed to me, but it looks like this isn't going to happen since she is either stubborn or dense, and I don't have time to keep trying to get an open confession from her.

"You don't seem happy!" Kronii stated she put her hand on my shoulder gently and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Kronii, it's just that..." I paused and took a deep breath. "I love you, Kronii, and all I want is for you to just admit you love me, but you are literally making this so difficult it's unreal!" I shouted

"Mumei I-" Kronii stopped talking and looked down at the ground. Her ice cream was melting all over her hand.

I turned my back to her and began to walk in the direction of Fauna, but she grabbed my hand. "Let me confide something into you," she softly said. I looked back, seeing her face was as red as a berry.

"What?" I asked.

"Nanashi Mumei, I am in love with you!" Kronii yelled, "And I am in love with Fauna!" She continued to say:

I smirked at her. She didn't need to add the fauna part, but that is an extra treat for me since our plan seems to be working.

"Kronii, do you love both of us?" I gasped while pretending to be shocked.

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