Choco: Nurses Diagnosis Part 2

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*Choco pov*

I looked at Mumei-sama and saw her begin to blush. As I kept staring at her, it was hard to get a good look since Bae-sama was rocking her back and forth with a hug. She seemed to be obsessed with her.

"Mumei-sama, I can't do tests if Bae-sama keeps clinging to you like that!" I say.

"Bae, let go of me." Mumei mumbles

"Not until you kiss me!" Bae shouts

Mumei rolled her eyes and sighed sharply. "Fine, Chu," she said, kissing her gently on the forehead.

"No on the lips like you kiss Fauna and Kronii; that is how I want you to kiss me!" Bae shouts

Interesting how predator and prey are seemingly compatible with each other. This is a symbotic relationship in a sense, but it feels a little different.

"Mumei-sama, can you do something for me? This is for the tests, so you don't have to worry!" I say to her

"Oh, how reassuring..." She sarcastically said, "What is it?" She asked right after, and I explained.


She honed in on those words and shook her head. "Fuck no!" She yelled loudly, not wanting to do that. I glared at her, and as she felt my stare, she realized she couldn't escape; she had to strip in front of us both. "Can Bae at least leave?" She questions

I shake my head. "Bae needs to be here," I tell her.

She clearly was annoyed by this, but she gave in. She slowly began to strip, and everything spilled out. She tried to cover herself up in embarrassment, but I couldn't help but stare at her because she was just too cute.

"How is this going to help?" Mumei-sama asked softly as she hid herself some more from me.

"It is helping my mental state." I say

I looked over to Bae-sama, who had her jaw wide open. "Mumei, you are stunning!" She said the owl girl's expression changed suddenly.

"I don't want to hear that from you." Mumei suddenly sighed as if she were rolling her eyes. "You are a cheater!" She said

"Look! Irys was just one thing! I really do love you, and I wouldn't cheat on you; besides, I think you misinterpreted my messages." Bae-sama said

"Yeah, there is no way I did!" She shouts

"I was flirting with Nerissa!" Bae-sama yells

"Oh, and that makes it better!?" Mumei-sama hisses

This back and forth was really brutal; neither side was winning by arguing like this, but I do think Bae-sama is cheating from what I am hearing. I think even flirting with another woman is bad.

Although I shouldn't say that because I'm hitting on Mumei-sama when I have Mel-sama, this is the same as what Bae is doing, except I'm physically doing it and not over messages.

"Can we just start testing already!?" Mumei-sama asks me with a small shriek.

"Yes! We can begin testing!" I tell her.

"What first?" She asked

"Bae-sama, come over here..." I tell her.

The rat walked over to where I was motioning and stopped and looked at me. "Now what?" She asked, and I whispered in her ear to look forward.

"Mumei-sama I want to see how our little lab rat interacts with these types of scenarios. I want to see the severity of the 'curse' you are harboring," I say.

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