Nerissa: Love Birds Part 2

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*Nerissa pov*

Mumei-senpai looked at the screen, and I sat down next to her, turning on the TV, and her eyes widened. "Fuck you!" She shouts as she sees my birth video begin to play.

"Look, I have to make sure you are my friend!" I said confidently, and she glared at me.

"You can do that in other ways!!!!" Mumei-senpai screeched

"Nope!" I said.

"Oh-oh no..." Mumei-senpai said

She seemed a little squeamish, but she refused to look away from the screen. I wish she would look at me like that. Well, I guess she is, but she's looking at me getting born.

"I might throw up," she said.

"Wait, not on the floor; throw it up somewhere where I could possibly treasure it!" I said

"What the fuck is wrong with Nerissa?" Mumei shouted

"I love my senpai, okay!?" I cry out.

Mumei gagged "I hate childbirth." She said

"Like the act of it or the child being born?" I question

"Nerissa, I said what I said!" Mumei sighs

We sat there in silence, and the only sound filling the room was my mother's agony as she birthed me. Mumei-senpai took a deep breath, wanting to shut it up.

"Sooo, are you enjoying it?" I ask

"Nerissa, I don't like you," she scoffs.

"Wha-Whaaaaat!?" I cry out.

"Nerissa!?" She shouts

She saw me begin to cry, and she leaned in, kissing me. "Let's watch something else," she said.

"Okay..." I sniffle

I decided we should watch Spirit because she is a horse girl, and I think she would like to watch a horse movie because she is a horse girl and she likes horses. We started the movie, and I noticed Mumei-senpai was distant from me.

"Are you mad at me?" I pout

"Nerissa, a little bit..." She said

"Can I hug you?" I ask

"No..." She growls

I smirk. "Cuddles it is..." I said this to her as I went over to her and snuggled her tightly.

"Nerissa, stop it!!!" She cried out.

"No! You are mad at me, and I love you, Mumei-senpai. I want to cuddle you; please allow it just for the duration of the movie." I shout

"Fine, but as soon as the credits hit, you won't touch me for the rest of the time I'm here." She said

"Fine..." I pout

We continued to watch the movie. Her warmth heated my body up. Her beautiful brown hair tickled my naked body, making me giggle a bit. I can't believe she forgot that I was naked. She hasn't commented about it in a while. I noticed her chest was sticking out like a sore thumb.

"I'm sorry," I said to her.

"Nerissa??" Mumei-senpai questions

I yanked her and put her directly on my lap, holding her so she couldn't move, and I began to fondle her chest. She began to squirm.

"Mngh-Nerissa, stop..." She moans

"I said I'm sorry, Mumei!" I told her.

"But-but... Ahn-that doesn't justify it!"

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