Risu: A Nutty Day Part 2

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*Risu pov*

I slowly began to open my eyes. I feel odd, like an unusual warmth, and it feels like someone is hugging my tail tightly, but that is odd because who would be in my bed?

My vision is too blurry to see who was in my bed, but it slowly came back to me: "Are you awake?" I asked with my morning voice.

I felt Moom snuggle up to my tail more, so I took that as a no. My eyes finally adjusted to the room, and I got the full view of her. She is honestly really cute while she is asleep... actually just in general.

I need to get out of bed, but I can't move without waking her up. Actually, I don't want to wake her up because her warmth is really nice against me.

I tried to think of what happened yesterday that would have made things end up like this: Mumei showed up and she seemed tired, so I offered for her to sleep in my bed, then I went to see Iofi. What happened when I visited Iofi?

I reached out and gently pet Mumei's head as I tried to think about what happened, but I came back blank.

"Morn—Morning Risu-senpai..." Mumei said sleepily.

"Oh—Morning!" I said in shock

She turned around, and we were face to face all of a sudden, mere inches apart. "Uh, Mumei," I said in shock.

Her eyes looked like spirals as she stared at me; it was like I was entering a trance. Risu-senpai, you are cute," She told me all of a sudden.

"Thank you!" I said it abruptly.

"I mean, like, really cute, adorable even," Mumei said.

"Am I, though?" I asked her

She nodded, and all of a sudden I felt my heart skip a beat. Am I falling for Mumei?

"Mumei, would you hate me if I kissed you?" I asked the owl

She gave it some thought, and she shook her head. "For some reason, I want it." She told me

"Ah, I want it too," I told her.

Her eyes still put me in a trance; it was as if they were enticing me. They are beautiful, and they want me to love them.

"Wait—kissing in bed isn't a good thing!" Mumei shouted

She was right. Kissing in bed isn't a good idea because I have a feeling that I will want to share more than just a kiss if we do it in bed.

I had a feeling I should try to snap Mumei out of this odd state, but I can't bring myself to do it; my body feels weak. I want her to love me, and I want to love her, but then what would I be?

I would be a liar, and I don't want to be the girl known for betraying her trust. I can't bring myself to kiss her, no matter how much I love her right now. I have to bite the bullet.

"You should go..." I finally told her

"You're right," she told me.

My heart sank as she immediately told me that she wasn't supposed to agree with me immediately. Why did she agree with me? How did she agree with me so quickly?

"Are you upset?" Mumei asked me as she sat up.

"Yes, I don't want you to leave." I said

Mumei suddenly kissed my forehead. "How about I go somewhere accessible for you?" she told me.

"Eh..." I said in shock.

The owl giggled sweetly. I could tell she wasn't being herself in this moment.

Mumei, where to next?" I asked.

"I'll stay with Iofi," She said to me.

Iofi... she would rather stay with her than me? Why am I feeling jealous all of a sudden? I promised I wouldn't feel this way for her, and yet here I am, a mess, not wanting her to leave me alone.

"Risu—I love you," Mumei told me.

She suddenly captured my lips and pulled me in closer to her. I was immediately intoxicated by her aroma; it was addictive. She really is going to make me fall for her and not be able to turn back.

She was intense, not letting me catch my breath, but I was into it. She was being intense enough that it was firm enough for me. She pulled away after around a minute and smiled.

"Do you love me, senpai?" She asked me seductively.

"Yes—but sorry!" I shouted

I raised my hand, remembering briefly that she told me that if she gets into a state like this, slapping her is how to get her to turn back to normal. Mumei looked at me and shook her head as she turned back to how she was before.

"Wha—What happened?" She asked me

All of a sudden I pulled her back in, crashing my lips against hers and pushing her away mere seconds later. "That is a farewell kiss," she said to me.

"A farewell kiss, you are in love with me clearly... I know I lost it, and I apologize. I didn't want it to end like this—I said I was going to see Iofi-senpai, right?" She asked

"Yeah, but do you think you should really go there? Maybe you should turn back and stay here and not contaminate anyone else with the curse," I suggested.

Mumei nodded, but she knew she had to go in the hopes that the next person she went to wouldn't fall for her.

"Do you have a fallout if Iofi falls for you?" I asked

"Moona-senpai!" Mumei said

"And then what?" I asked

"Ollie-senpai, Reine-senpai, and Anya-senpai," Mumei said cheerfully.

"And then what?" I asked her, not trusting that this would go well.

"There is always Zeta and Kaela; I mean, Zeta would be more than happy to let me stay with her," she said.

That sounded like a plan, but I couldn't be more worried after all; it doesn't seem to take much to make you fall for her.

"I think I'll head out now," Mumei said.

"I will visit you after I finish something," I told her.

She nodded and pulled out her teleporter, going away from her. As soon as she was gone, I slammed my head against the wall, trying to remember something.

What did Iofi say to me that night? What did we talk about, and why did I end up sleeping in my bed knowing Mumei was there?

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