Calli: Drunk Reaper

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*Mumei pov*

When I landed on the other side of the portal, I looked around and saw a bunch of bottles scattered on the ground.

This may not be good. I thought to myself as I saw the state her place was in. The stench of alcohol was apparent. I thought Calli wasn't drinking as often, but I guess I was wrong as the pink-haired Reaper was slumped on the couch snoring away, and there were bottles and takeout boxes scattered all around.

"You live like this..." I sighed while collecting her garbage and disposing of it correctly. While doing so, Tutu approached me and rubbed against me, so I petted her, smiling as I heard the soft, gentle purr.

Calli shot up and glanced in my direction. "Guh—Hic Wawa, when did you get here?" Calli asked, I looked in her direction, confused by her. Kiara was here." I didn't know about that; usually we know about off-collabs, but this didn't seem like she was visiting for an off-collab.

"Calli, it's me, Mumei. May I please stay here for the time being?" I asked her

"Hic—Wawa, you aren't Mumei..." Calli hiccuped; she wobbled to her feet and began to stumble towards me, so I backed up, hitting a wall almost immediately.

"Calli, it's me, Mumei!" I said, trying to get through to her. She looked at me and stared deep into my eyes; they glistened and shimmered with lust.

"Wawa you—you want to roleplay as Mumei? That's odd, but I'm down for it after all, Mumei is cute!" Calli stuttered

I managed to get away from her and moved to the other side of the room. "Calli!" I said loudly, trying to snap her out of her drunken stupor, but my voice only locked her onto my location; she turned around and began to approach me yet again.

I didn't know what to do in this moment. Maybe I should slap her when she comes near. That's what I'm going to do. I will slap her silly until she becomes sober, and then I will explain my situation to her. She'll get it, and Kiara supposedly is here too, so then I'll get her advice.

"Wawa—Wawa, I need hugs!" She whined

Why is Calli so adorable? I don't understand why she is. Something about her is gap moe. I can really see why Kiara likes her so much.

Wait... I realized my brain was zoning off into weird territory. I've been here for only a couple of minutes. I haven't fallen for Calli as well; there is no way I could possibly be in love with her after all. I think she is dating Kiara, so this is definitely territory I don't want to get into.

I suddenly snapped back into reality and saw that Calli was really close now. Without warning, she tripped, and the two of us fell to the ground. She pined me there, her leg pressed against my most sensitive area. I could hear and feel her heavy breaths.

"Guh—Wawa, I love you," she said. I felt my face burn up at the sight of her, and my heart began to beat fast.

Her loose, messy, disheveled hair and her sighly see-through black lace nightgown Below her chest there was a red ribbon, but I was too distracted by her breasts to even care.

"Calli, get up!" I frantically said while trying to push away.

"No, I want to kiss Kiara!" She cried 

"Well, we can—"

All of a sudden, she connected our lips ferociously. The taste of alcohol filled my mouth so much that I was surprised I didn't get drunk on it. She instantly slid her tongue into my mouth. She was being sloppy, but not the worst kisser. Surprisingly, her left hand caressed my thighs. I felt her pitch black nails dig into them. I was numb to the pain since my right leg still hurt from Fauna stabbing me. "Mhn." I moaned slightly as Calli adjusted herself, pulling me slightly closer in response. My legs wrapped around her body as did my arms. As soon as my head finally stopped spinning, I noticed I felt oxygen deprived. I gently pushed Calli off of me.

I stared at Calli, who now was snoring. All of a sudden, I took large, deep breaths, trying to catch my bearings. "What the fuck..." is all I could say. It's not like I hated that kiss; I loved every last moment of it, but I just did something horrible. She thought I was Kiara, and she kissed me, but she's drunk. This will all be fixed in the morning.

"Y—Yeah, Calli is just drunk; she won't remember kissing me in the morning, and I'll stay with her and pretend like this never happened!" I told myself, but now I can't sleep.

I couldn't stop thinking about her soft lips and the way she took over that kiss. I also couldn't stop thinking about how soft her body was. My hands slightly touched her butt. No, I won't think about this. I can't. This will all change tomorrow. I can't let this keep happening. I need to think about the harem plan and whether or not I want to do it. Calli has nothing to do with it, so why am I thinking about Calli, and why would I ever want to think about Calli?

I was driven crazy. I walked over to Calli and lifted her up, gently carrying her to her room inside. Kiara was soundly sleeping in bed, so I placed her next to Kiwawa and slowly tiptoed out of the room. As I closed the door, I sighed. Calli was so close again, and my heart kept racing. This is love.

I can't have fallen for Calli; it's only been six minutes since I got here. I slapped myself on the face roughly, saying, "I'm being silly." I told myself out loud that I'm probably sleepy, and my body doesn't know what it wants after talking to Councilrys.

I walked over to the couch. There was a blanket lazily thrown over it and a pillow that was just there for decoration. It was good enough for me. I lied down on the couch, draping the blanket over me, and tried to fall asleep. However, I realized the blanket had a familiar aroma. It smelled like Calli, and the scent keeps me awake. "Mumei, go to sleep." I snarled at myself, hoping I would end up passing out; however, to no avail, I didn't sleep.

This was a mistake. Maybe I shouldn't have come here after all; if I keep telling myself this, I'm going to get depressed. I finally shut my eyes, only to be awoken by my phone vibrating. I glanced at it and saw Fauna and Kronii had both texted me, telling me they hoped everything was going well.

I was about to tell them about what had just transpired when I paused. Calli is drunk. This will all blow over tomorrow, and besides, I won't have to tell them who I'm with right now anyway! I keep reminding myself about the fact that Calli wasn't in the right mind when she mistook me for Kiwawa, which means there is no possibility of things getting weird between us.

"Ugh..." I groaned as I thought of the possibility that this was the start of something I didn't want to happen.

Calli fell asleep as soon as I pushed her away, so maybe she wasn't fully awake when she kissed me, so that'll be extra insurance.

I keep trying to make my worries go away by telling myself things, but then my worries and insecurities pile up even more despite my wanting the opposite to happen. This time, I'm seriously trying to stop these thoughts.

The one I'm afraid of isn't even Calli; I'm afraid of Kiara. She's going to hate me for sure if she figures out what happened. I mean, she is an understanding person. I'm sure she'll forgive me if I explain that Calli was drunk. I don't have to tell her because she was blissfully sleeping in bed. It didn't look like she stirred at all when I placed Calli next to her, so she was in a deep sleep.

I want to be in deep sleep. This is irritating, to be honest. How can this keep happening, and why to me?

I don't hate it; that's the problem. I should be rejecting this and going on my way, but I'm not. My feelings keep coming out. I'm too close to everyone to want to back out now, and this is going to be my downfall.

I yanked out the mini-teleporter device and played with the idea of just leaving, but then where would I even go? I guess I could try to stay with Ina, but maybe it's not a good idea to keep showing up at places without any notice. I'll just tell Calli and Kiara that I'm only staying here tonight, then I'll contact Ina, and I'll be on my way.

I finally managed to quell my emotions and go to sleep. Even in my dreams, I kept thinking about what had just happened. I won't be able to escape things that easily, but I really hope I can.

Bae's proposition keeps coming back into my head: a harem doesn't sound bad on paper, but what happens if one day everyone turns on me? Then what do I have left? On the other hand, if I don't do a harem, maybe all of Councilrys will be sad.

I don't know what I want.

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