Zeta: Perfect Date part 3

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*Mumei pov*

We both are hopeless. We both are here, not being able to move because we exchanged forehead kisses.

"Mumei-senpai, let's go shopping!" Zeta shouted at me as she shook her head, trying to shake off the blush.

"Oh, okay," I replied.

We need to mentally cool off in the moment, and we need to continue the date like normal: "Let's go shop, Mumei-senpai." She said it again.

We were repeating ourselves at this point. It is crazy how much our brains have melted. "Zeta, hold my hand again," I offered.

She gulped and reached down, clasping my hand firmly. "Like this?" She asked

"Yes," I told her.

We began to walk down the road hand in hand. We had to make it to the store without melting our brains fully.

"What should we do when we get to the shops?" Zeta asked me

"Well, we can buy things and try them on. Maybe show each other what we are wearing," I suggested.

"Wait, Mumei-senpai, you could wear lingerie, right?" She asked

"It is possible I could show you sexy lingerie, Zeta," I said.

My tone wasn't even close to being sexy, but she was practically obsessed with it. I gulped and glared at Zeta. I need to kiss her and get this over with so I can focus on this date.

I grabbed onto Zeta's shoulders and looked straight into her eyes. "Mumei-senpai?" She mumbled

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me with a hug. "I love you," I told her.

I pressed my lips to hers and leaned into the kiss, deepening it. She instantly wrapped her arms around my neck, letting me slide my tongue into her mouth. I walked forward and pushed her against a wall so she would be more comfortable during the kiss, eventually pulling away for air.

"I want to kiss more." Zeta panted

I caught my breath and smiled. "Okay then," I said as I leaned in and kissed her once again, this one even deeper, but I know since we are out in public, we can't do this forever, and we eventually have to go shopping and continue this date. "You are super sweet, Mumei-senpai," she said as she pulled away from me again.

"You are such a sweetheart, Zeta," I told her.

She began to blush once again. "Ahhh!" She squealed; she was really flustered by me, as was I.

I can't believe I had the guts to kiss her right here and now. "Let's go shopping!" I shouted

Everyone around looked at the two of us since we were being really loud due to our fluster, but we can just ignore them. We just need to leave this area, and our lust will go away after we have to hurry up and go before we go too far too soon.

"Where do you want to go?" Zeta asked

"Well, we should go just to any store!" I said

Zeta nodded, and we headed out for our shopping trip, leaving for that.

"We are here!" I abruptly stated to her, All we need to do is shop, and as soon as we entered, I instantly saw a virgin killer sweater. "They sell these here!e!I said it in shock.

Zeta looked at it and then at me since it matches me very well.

"Do you want me to try it on and model for you?" I asked

"Uhhh-yeah, Mumei-senpai, I would enjoy that a lot, actually!" Zeta stated

Hearing her still call me Mumei-senpai honestly hurts because we are so close and she is calling me Senpai, but I will wait for her to confess to me before I tell her to just call me Mumei with no honorific after.

"Let's go into the changing booth!" I said

As we got there, I realized my mistake immediately. I need to get naked in front of her.

"I'm going to see Mumei-senpai's naked body!" Zeta squealed with anticipation and wanted it.

I began to strip in front of her, taking extra time, feeling like she would like it if I took my clothes off slowly as opposed to quickly since I thought she would really like it if I did this, and I was right. She stared at me, her jaw wide open, as she watched my chest adjust to my clothes being removed.

"Zeta, stop staring so intently." I said

"I can't help it; you are just too sexy!" She said back

I can't handle her saying that I'm sexy. If it were anyone but her, I'd be fine with it, but I'm just too in love for this. Her words mean more than anyone else's, and it's just difficult to think when she is saying things like that and complimenting me.

"I'll put it on!" I said as I noticed I went a solid minute just standing there, letting her look at my body for longer. I'm embarrassed at the moment and want to get dressed as soon as possible.

As soon as I got it, Zeta just kept looking at me, unblinking, "Uh, Zeta?" I said softly.

"Mumei-senpai, buy it." Zeta said

"You like it?" I questioned

"I love it. The virgin killer on you is making me think things," she replied.

She just saw me naked, and now that I have a revealing outfit on, she seems to be just as aroused, which is cute to be honest. "I need to see you in one," I told her.

Zeta nodded and stepped out of the changing room, coming back a moment later with one in hand. She stripped almost immediately, letting me stare at her body as well, and she began to put it on.

"Okay, how do I look, Mumei-senpai?" She asked

"Gorgeous, but you already were," I told her.

"Ahhh Mumei-senpai!" She whined before slamming her lips against mine.

As we are now, we aren't getting any better; we are still hopeless.

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