Calli: Drunk Reaper Part 2

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*Calli pov*

I opened my eyes, instantly feeling an immense throbbing pain in my head and an undeniable need to throw up "my head." I groaned, reached my hand out, and grabbed medication off of the nightstand in order to quell my headache. "Wait, how did I get in my room?" I questioned

I looked over and saw Kiara, whose back was turned to me, presumably sleeping. I don't remember what happened last night. I was in the living room drinking. I got drunk, and then...

"Ughhh..." I clasped my forehead and groaned before taking the pills.

What the fuck happened while I was drinking? I remember kissing someone, Mumei, but that is impossible because she isn't even here; it had to have been Kiara, right? I got up and opened my door, slightly peering into the other room, and then I saw her, Mumei, sleeping on the couch in the other room. I quickly shut the door in shock and took deep panicked breaths. I must have thought she was Kiara.

"Calli, I saw what you did last night," Kiara stated. I looked back and saw that she was sitting up and just staring at me.

"I kissed Mumei..." I sighed

She was aware, so why lie to her? She seemed caught off guard. "I expected you to lie." Kiara said to me that I wanted to be honest with her since it was an honest mistake; however, will I be able to move on from this?

"Kiara I'm sorry, I was drunk and I thought she was you!" I cried out

Kiara just laughed in response to my plight: "I don't mind, Calli; it's proof you are into cute birbs." She replied

"Wait, so you aren't mad!" I said happily

"No, honestly, Calli, it was kind of hot." Kiara stated, "I'm down for a threesome, Calli!" She laughed

"Wait...Wait...Wait!" I yelled, "Are you implying that I have feelings for Mumei?"

"No, I never said that; I was just saying I'm okay with having a threesome with you and Mumei," Kiara replied.

"Oh well, I don't have a crush on Mumei, and I never will!" I shouted

"Calli, your face tells me the opposite, and I don't mind; after all, I have a crush on Reine," Kiara said.

"But that's different..." I mumbled, "We've actually done stuff with Reine, but Mumei, I'm not sure if I can do anything with her. She's too cute in terms of adorableness; she isn't really the definition of sexy but cute." "Actually, why is she here?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Calliope Mori, you aren't going to change the conversation, but I do want to know why Mumei is here and not at the council hall." Kiara said

"I'll go wake her up!" I said loudly:

"You want me to come with you?" She asked

"N-No, you stay here, Wawa!" I said

Why did Kiwawa have to bring up the possibility of a threesome? I was much more composed about the situation until then. What is her problem?

I approached Mumei, who was blissfully sleeping. "So cute..." I silently told myself that. I reached out and paused. What the fuck am I thinking? Mumei would never agree to a threesome with Kiara, and I don't think I want that!

Her eyes slowly opened, shocking me and making me take a step back and get defensive.

"Morning Calli..." She mumbled while rubbing her eyes. I felt my stomach go into a knot. Why is she so fucking cute, and what is wrong with me?

"Morning Moomster!" I said in a panic that she seemed confused by the nickname. "Do you want coffee?" I asked in order to get her mind off of what I had just said.

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