Iofi: Completely Alien Love

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*Mumei pov*

"Oh, what is going on here?" Iofi asked as she arrived home.

I jumped, pulling away from Moona in shock, and turned around quickly, looking at Iofi-senpai, who had just gotten home from shopping. She was staring at us, just perplexed by what we were doing.

"Welcome home, Iofi..." Moona said to the alien girl as she walked over and picked up some of the bags, "Let me take these." She whistled.

"Thank you, but answer the question, Why were you making out on my lawn?" She asked us

"Well, that's a long story." Moona claimed

"Mumei, weren't you at Risu's a little while ago? Why are you here with Moona?" She questioned

I sighed and began to answer her question. "You see, I am cursed. Everyone I have seen recently has fallen in love with me. Moona deduced that everyone's feelings for me are just bubbling up; the curse is making those feelings prominent."

"I see, and you want to stay with me next, right?" Iofi-senpai asked

"Yes?" Is all I said to her.

Iofi gave it some thought. I could see her face had a different tint to it than usual, but nothing out of the ordinary has happened. "Sure, actually, I need help with something," she claimed.

I gasped, not expecting her to have said she would let me stay with her "Yes, thank you!"

"It's not a problem. Let's go inside. I will tell you what I need you to do once we are inside."

Moona looked at me and kissed me on the cheek. "I'll be seeing you," she sighed as she turned around and went away from us.

Iofi grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the house with a twirl. I was spun onto the couch. "I need to change. Give me a moment," she told me.

What is she changing into her outfit was fine before she had her hair loose with a long braid on her left side and a small dark brown beret to the right side of her head she was wearing golden earring shaped like a waning moon with a star in the center, a sleeveless white blouse covered by a dark brown vest and tie with golden buttons, the best part is the clothes exposed her belly button, she had shorts in the same colors with another waning moon serving as the buckle and a secondary utility white belt decorated with stars which holded brushes and long boots, the outfit was complimented by a coat that is as long in the just a bit longer in the front than her vest but it is way longer on her back, forming long twin tails that went down to her calfs to top it all off she had glasses.

So why would she want to change her beautiful outfit? What could she possibly put on? Maybe something suitable for being cozy in the house. I'm sure she will be sexy either way, but at the same time, I feel as if I'm too intrigued by what she could be wearing.

"Mumei, how do I look?" The alien asked as she entered the room. My jaw dropped to the floor as I stared at the girl, who was in a virgin killer sweater. Her body was extra exposed.

"Gorgeous" is all I could muster. I was staring at the hole in the middle that revealed a side view of her breast. I swear I saw some color.

Iofi began to cover up her bright red face. "Do you like what you see?" She asked

"Of course..." I mumbled, practically drooling over seeing a little bit of her body.

She smirked and uncovered herself, turning around. My eyes widened as I saw how open her back was. I could see most of her back all the way down to her butt, which were almost fully exposed to me.

"Why-why do you have a virgin killer?"

Iofi looked away from me before answering my question, "Just to model for paintings; this is my first time ever wearing it myself." She claimed

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