Anya: Sharp Feelings

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*Mumei pov*

"Anya, are you home?" I called out as I knocked on the front door to her place, and oddly enough, there was no reply. I messaged her before hand that I was coming, so why isn't she answering? I tried to open the door and saw that it was unlocked. "Are you home?" I asked as I entered her humble abode.

"Zzz..." Anya was soundly sleeping on her couch and had a fluffy white blanket draped over herself. It uncovered most of her body, but all I could see from this angel were her small feet.

I walked over to Anya and leaned down, pressing my forehead against hers. Her eyes lifted open. "Mor—Morning Mumei..." She mumbled to me before yawning.

"Good morning," I said to her.

Her arms wrapped around me, and she tightly hugged me.

"Good morning...." She mumbled

She really was tired and wasn't awake yet. "Are you hungry?" I asked Kris

"Not really..." She mumbled Anya didn't even question why I asked to come here; she was just having a normal conversation with me as if I weren't here. She then questioned me, "Are you hungry?"

"No, Ollie killed my appetite," I replied.

"You were with Ollie?" She wondered

I realized I haven't explained what is going on to her yet, and she just agreed to let me stay here for a bit. "I have to tell you I'm cursed." Anya nodded as I explained to her what had been going on.

"It must have been rough," Anya laughed.

I nodded. "Rough only partially describes it," I told her.

"Mumei, I need to run a few errands. Would you mind coming with me to get them done?" Anya asked

I gave her a thumbs up. It isn't like I have anything to really do right now since I'm just hiding from the curse, but I can't help but think Anya is really cute all of a sudden.

"So you went to see Moona-senpai, Risu-senpai, Iofi-senpai, and Ollie so far, right?" Anya asked

"That sums it up, and they all fell for me besides Ollie since she already loves me."

Anya laughed, "She sounds like her."

She didn't seem to be afraid of falling in love with me, which is honestly good. I don't want it to happen to her too, although she is cute.

"So where do we need to go?" I asked

"Just to some local markets to get some veggies, fruits, and stuff," Anya said.

I got it, so we shouldn't be doing anything too physical or... what even am I thinking about?

"Are you ready, Anya?" I asked

"I will be there in a minute. Just let me splash water on myself, and I'll be ready," she mentioned.

I sat down on the couch before wrapping her blanket around me, pretending she was embracing me. My body felt odd already, but it wasn't exactly love.

"I'm ready!" She said this before actually hugging me from the other side of the couch.

"Ah!" I shouted in surprise.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, Mumei." Anya said it with an apologetic tone.

"It's fine I really should have been expecting you to come behind me, but I  didn't."I said

Anya nodded. "Let's go, Mumei." She told me

"Got it!" I got up and ran to the door, holding it open for her.

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