Ollie: Apex Zombie Part 2

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*Ollie pov*

Mumei has been lost in thought for awhile now. Maybe I have said too much about someone in ID loving her. I tapped the owl's shoulder, and she jolted up in shock, looking back at me. Her eyes were wide.

"What!?" She asked me unprompted.

"I just wanted to see if you were alright since you seem to be out of it all of a sudden."

"Ollie, I kissed you," Mumei mumbled.

"What is wrong with that!?" I asked

"I feel like I shouldn't have done that." She claimed to be with me, but I don't see the problem with that. I'll go from one girl to another all the time, so if Mumei leaves here, I don't have an issue with her being with another woman.

"Mumei, there is nothing wrong with kissing me," I told her before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. Her body shivered, and her eyes began to glimmer.

"Thank you..." She sighed

I noticed she was squeezing her leg in an area that had been bandaged up. She was inflicting pain in order to quell her lust, a smart tactic, but I wish she would just let this happen.

"How did you get hurt in your leg?" I asked

"Oh-Fauna stabbed me," was the reply.

I couldn't believe it. Fauna stabbed her. Why is she still happy to love her if that is the case?

"You are the first one who has asked what has happened. Well, I had to tell Iofi, Moona, and Risu not to worry about it, and I told everyone else."

Mumei seemed fine with the fact that her leg was stabbed. I can't believe how much this girl just ignores.

"Ollie, I think I should sleep since I think I may be affected by the curse. So I just want to take a nap; it's going to be a long day," she said.

"How many days have gone by since the curse began? I asked

"Well, like four or five days? She said

"You don't know? I questioned

"I forgot..." She said

Why am I not surprised that she forgot that? That is such a Mumei thing to do. I think she is just so funny for forgetting.

Actually, Mumei, I want to take you," I said with pure lust.

"Wait like se-"

She stopped herself and slapped her wounded area, murmuring in agony, Mumei, you are so insistent that you don't want me to take you. Why?" I asked

"Because..." She pouted

It seems like she is at least thinking about the harem plan, but at the same time, she is still unsure.

"You love Irys, right?"

"Yes!" She said immediately

"Do you love Sana?"

"Of course I love my Beeg girl!" She answered

"You love Fauna and Kronii?"

"Well duh..." She sighed

"And Bae too?"

"That's right!" She said

"Then why are you so conflicted?" I asked

"Council is one thing; what about myth and my ID, senpai? I don't want to lead them on at all!

Well, if you love everyone and they love you, then what is wrong with a harem? I mean, look at it: you could have something multiple people can only dream of: a harem. I'm honestly jealous of what you have since you are so close with everyone you are meeting."

"That is you..." She sighed

Mumei, look at it this way: since it's only their feelings for you coming out, there is nothing wrong with it. You can love anyone you want and use this curse for anything you desire!"

"Ollie, that is kind of creepy. I mean, I couldn't go up to-"

Mumei paused; she seemed to get an idea about who she wanted to try the curse on, but I don't know who.

"Who are you thinking of?" I asked

"Someone in ID that I want to use my curse on, but I think I'll have to wait a little while longer since after I leave here, I think I'm staying with Anya," she said.

"All that is left is Zeta, Kaela, and Kobo, though." I questioned

"It's not Kobo." She said

I tilted my head to the side, but the logic still doesn't work because wouldn't a certain someone be unaffected by the curse? Whatever, I'll let Mumei figure this out if she is thinking of someone who is in love with her.

"Mumei, have you ever thought that maybe it isn't a curse and that you are just beautiful and everyone is just in love with you?"

"No, because there are flaws with that. For starters, I am not beautiful, and also, there are way too many people who have fallen for me," she claimed.

"Didn't Sana say that whenever you say something negative about yourself, it is actually the opposite?" I asked

"She did, but at the same time, I don't think I'm all that great!" She told me

"Oh Nanashi Mumei, you silly sexy kouhai of mine, you are beautiful, and you are the greatest woman I know!"

"Ollie, you say that to all the girls." Mumei told me

I shook my head in response to her words. "I mean it," I whispered.

Mumei gulped and shook her head, but you could tell she was succumbing to her own curse; she was falling for me. She tried to hurt her leg but couldn't move her arm down to do it. Her eyes were locked on me. She is being honest with herself, and I appreciate it. I know she wants to love me.

"I don't think you do." She mumbled

Deep down, she was still fighting it, but I know she will stop trying to fight it after all. She is blushing and shivering with pure, uninterrupted lust for me. I have seen it many times before. I am a literal chick magnet!

"Ollie, I love you," she whispered.

She said my name without adding senpai, and my heart skipped a beat, which shouldn't even be possible, but it happened because she caused it to happen.

One thing led to another, and we ended up in bed, stripped down. Mumei parted my legs, but without any warning, both my legs snapped off.

"What!?" I shouted

This gave Mumei a second, and she snapped out of her trance before jumping back. She stared at me and shook her head.

"Ollie-That was close. I think I have to leave!" She said

"No, I was so close!" I cried out.

Damn it, why did my legs have to break off now? It was like my body wanted Mumei to leave; this can't be a coincidence. She snapped out of it due to my legs breaking off.

"Okay, I'll see you later. No, I'll talk to you later." She claimed

She was more flustered than ever before as she stumbled away and out of the room.

"Wait, Mumei, can you at least help fix my legs?" I called out

The owl girl came back and sighed. I saw she was biting her lip to focus on the pain. "I can," she told me before returning to said method.

She began to sew my legs back on, and I sighed to her, "I'm sorry."

"Huh why?" She asked

"I feel like I'm trying to take advantage of you and make you do something you don't want to do," I sighed.

"Well, as you said, the curse raises preexisting feelings." She told me

"Wait, so that means..."

"Done. I'll see you later, Ollie," she told me before planting a kiss on my lips.

"Wait!" I yelled, but it was too late; she had already left, leaving me there in silence. All I can do is question her love for me and wonder if I was actually playing into her hands this whole time.

Is she actually okay with the harem plan?

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