Gura: Common Interests

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*Mumei pov*

I don't know why I gave in and let Ina come with me. I shouldn't have caved like this, but I don't know what I was thinking, but now she is with me. I noticed that because Ina is with me, it took longer to be transported to Gura's, and when we finally got there, I looked around.

"At least I'm not in her room," I mentioned to Ina.

She laughed quietly in response, saying, "Would that be so bad, though?" She asked me

"Not really," I mentioned.

Gura came out of her room in only a tee-shirt and no pants; she didn't even care that we were there and continued what she was doing.

"Aren't you going to put pants on?" Ina asked

"No," Gura replied. "It's my place; why would I?" She asked

"Fair point," Ina said.

"I think you should put pants on," I stated.

"Why?" Gura asked

"Let me be completely honest with you, Gura. I'm cursed; everyone I've been around has fallen in love with me!" I told her

"Huh, but that doesn't seem like a bad thing," Gura mentioned.

"On paper, it sounds great, but it also disturbs a lot of things!" I explained

"So is Ina in love with you?" Gura asked

"With her, it's complicated." I sighed.

"I think every other day I'll be on a cycle of not loving her to loving her," Ina stated.

Gura didn't seem to know what to think about this: "Does being around multiple people break the curse?" She asked

"What I saw with Calli, it does not," I mentioned.

Gura looked at Ina and pointed at the exit. "Can you leave for a minute?" Shs asked Ina:

"Sure," Ina said, and with that, she vanished.

"I want to test being alone with you because if I'm alone with you for long enough, in theory, I will fall in love with you, right?" Gura asked

"Wait, you want that!" I asked

"No, but I just want to test things out. Maybe we can come up with how the curse ticks!" Gura said

"You're a genius; together, we can figure this out!" I said

"That's the spirit!" Gura cheerfully replied

The two of us began to just talk about random things that had caught our eyes.

Mumei, I saw your stream in my subbox. I haven't watched it yet. Should I?" Gura asked

"Please don't..." I stated

To be honest, Fauna, Kronii, and I need to delete that stream, but it was already probably clipped beyond belief since we did say some Yabai things.

"I want to watch it now!" Gura laughed

No, you don't want to watch; it's like if I watched your most embarrassing video," I said.

"You have seen the where's the rest of them clip, right?" Gura asked

Yeah, I have." I laughed.

"That's where it peaked for me, to be honest," Gura replied.

I honestly remember when Gura said, Where's the rest of them? Where's three, four? In response to Austria only having grades one to six, she really thought "to" was the number two.

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