Kiln of the First Flame

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Howling winds filled my ears as I gazed out towards the vast expanse of land before me. The land was converging in on itself, with buildings of ages past colliding and smashing into each other. The skies burned like smoldering embers; the sun's core completely black and surrounded by flames. Ashes coated everything.

My final destination on this long and arduous journey.

I have travelled through settlements filled with undead. Poisonous swamps decaying from rot and disease. Decrepit caves and catacombs infested with undead and monsters. Cities from ages past, filled to the brim with those who sought to impede my progress.

And through much of it, I trekked alone. Even when I had other allies aiding me, it was short-lived. With many meeting their own ends eventually. There was little time to mourn, however.

For I had a quest of my own to accomplish.

At long last, I had arrived at the end of my journey. Where the First Flame resided.

I trudged up an imposing slope, mired with weapons embedded into the ground and pillars of thickened ash and dust. And I am greeted to a field of filled with all the same and patches of red and white flowers. And there I saw it, the bonfire of the First Flame. 

Guarded by the embodiment of all the Lords who linked the First Flame.

The Soul of Cinder.

They spotted me and rose up from the ground, their coiled sword lit aflame

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They spotted me and rose up from the ground, their coiled sword lit aflame. Their posture was aggressive. It was as if they knew exactly why I came here.

They did not speak, but I knew that they did not want me here. To walk back from whence I came.

But I've already come this far. Turning back was out of the question.

With my longsword and knight shield in hand, and my battered knight armor just barely holding together, I charged ahead as my final foe charged back.

I lost track of time during the fight. I could barely even recall the frantic struggle between them and I in the midst of the chaos and attacks.

One thing was certain; I died, over and over and over.

But being Unkindled, I couldn't die. For I would simply rise back up. We Unkindled are undead, and death is but a setback.

No matter how many times I was crushed, I persevered to carry out my duty to the end.

For we only truly die once our duty is done.

This Soul of Cinder was the last thing standing me from finally completing my journey. And thus, I fought, even when my body began to ache, and my armor was chipped away.

Until I finally achieved victory.

For at long last, with one decisive thrust, I delivered the final blow by impaling their chest. They let out a loud roar of defeat before falling to their knees and fading to ash.

Finally, the last obstacle in my way had been vanquished. Approaching the First Flame, I stood before and took a moment to gaze upon it. And the suspicions I had were confirmed.

It was on its death throes.

What stood before me was not the raging flame that the Age of Fire prided itself upon. It was nothing more than smoldering embers, desperately clinging on to what little life it still had.

If I were to link it, I'd only be delaying the inevitable. The flame was going to die, and there was nothing more I could do. Nothing anyone could do to preserve it further.

Linking the flame would only prolong our suffering. Just a desperate attempt to revitalize something that should have perished ages ago.

And at last, standing before it, I could finally complete my duty; to snuff out the First Flame.

In spite of what others would say, I knew in my heart it was the only way to put an end to all the suffering this world has been inflicted with.

What would come afterwards, I did not know. But whatever it was, it would have to be better than remaining stuck in this purgatory of fading ashes.

And I knew exactly who could help in smothering the First Flame. A woman, who gave me strength in more ways than one.

With a prayer, I summoned the one named the Firekeeper. She looked at me for a moment, and nodded in understanding. Without any words, she knew exactly why I summoned her.

Though she had expressed her concerns about the flame dying out in the past, she did not question what I silently asked of her to do.

She was as loyal to me as I was to her.

She approached the First Flame and took it in her hands hesitantly, holding it close to her bosom as it flickered weakly. As the flame slowly died, she would speak softly.

 As the flame slowly died, she would speak softly

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"The First Flame quickly fades. Darkness will shortly settle."

I took a seat next to her, gazing at the flame as the world around us was slowly engulfed in darkness. She would gently blow on it, still speaking.

"But one day, tiny flames will dance across the darkness. Like embers, linked by Lords' past."

Her words brought me comfort. In those final moments, it was just us. Bracing for what the darkness brought. At last, the flame was completely extinguished, and only pitch black clouded my vision.

Not a single sound could be heard. Until the gentle voice of the Firekeeper asking me a simple question.

"Ashen One, hearest thou my voice still...?"

In all the time we knew each other, not once did I ever speak to her. There was never a need to. I would fight, collect the souls of powerful foes, and return to her side.

All I would do is hold my hand out to her, and she would turn my souls into strength.

Our relationship was simple. And our goals shared. Never needing to exchange words.

But with the darkness enveloping us whole, and the future uncertain, this very well could be our final moments together.

For all she has done for me, reassuring her is the least I can do. I only wish I could do more to show my thanks.

After a moment of silence, I replied to her.

"Yes. Can you hear my voice as well?"

Only silence replied back.

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