Spell Training

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With the sun just now rising over the horizon, I already spent some good couple hours practicing with my bow and firing off arrow after arrow at my newly crafted dummies. Thankfully, it didn't take too long for me to regain my skills with the bow. I went at it for a while longer before retrieving my arrows.

After doing so, however, I pulled out my wand and hummed to myself in thought. Despite being aware that magic in this era works differently than the magic I'm familiarized with, a part of me was still curious to know if the teachings I learned could still be performed.

Despite what Ursula and Miranda thought, I'm more than familiar with sorcery and the like. Though I admit, I always favored the blade more.

Starting off with a simple pyromancy spell, I gripped my wand tightly and ready myself as I stare directly at the dummy in front of me. I recall the first spell Cornyx taught me and concentrate.

"This one's for you, old man."

I casted my arm forward and... nothing happened. Not even an ember left my wand.

"Well, I suppose it was worth a shot." I said to myself, while stowing my wand away. I still had some time before the school would start bustling with activity, so I crafted some extra arrows and stashed them into my quiver.

Some would say that I went excessive with how many I crafted but given what I've fought so far while in these lands, I wasn't taking any chances with being underprepared.

Too often have I come across those who perished to their own hubris.


Later on in the day, I arrived at an empty patch of land close to some old ruins with Ursula. She eventually arrived at my hut and offered to do some one-on-one training, which I of course obliged to.

Twas a bit odd that Akko wouldn't be joining, but I can only assume she was busy handling her own affairs. Maybe it had something to do with that odd little robot from yesterday.

"Alright, Ashen One. We're going to start with some basic spells first. One of the easiest types of spells is called mending magic." Ursula explained in a happy demeanor. She presented a pair of broken clocks before laying them down on a slab of stone.

"Put all your focus on the object you want to repair, and say the words, 'Sosomme Tidiare'." With a gentle twirl of her wand, the clock radiated with green energy before repairing itself. Within mere seconds, the clock was ticking loudly as if nothing was amiss about it.

"Hm, I see. Seems easy enough." I responded.

"Now then, go ahead and give it a shot yourself." A soft smile rested on her face as I pulled out my wand and set my sights upon the other broken clock.

"Sosomme Tidiare." Mimicking her twirl, I watched as the clock before me repaired itself, and soon it would begin to tick away as Ursula clapped gently for me.

"Great job! You seem to already be a natural at this. Are you sure you've never used magic before?"

"I never stated that I had no experience with performing spells. Just simply isn't my forte. Always favored my reliable sword and shield to protect me."

"Fair enough. Needless to say, that experience of yours is helping a lot! It should make your lessons go by a lot faster."

"Hah, let's not get too ahead of ourselves. From what I gathered during my visits in the library, there's a multitude of magical spells unfamiliar to me. This mending magic being one of them. Though, it does remind me of..."

A curious look formed on Ursula's face as I started to ramble. "Of what?"

"Of a priestess I learned Miracles from named Irina. Magic used for healing the sick and wounded."

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