Earth x Mars [New lovers]

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(REQUESTED- this is taking the new ep into reference. Anyway Ima just)

Earth let out a sigh, looking to the rest of the terrestrial planets. He felt upset. What had he done wrong? He was just acting as he had always been... or was he? He had felt a bit different ever since the humans had developed more and more. He shook himself. No! He wasn't wrong, he was Earth! Everybody loved him.




Or did they? Venus and Mars seemed to hate him. After that one fight when they were fighting EACHOTHER. Not even Mercury wanted to talk to him! Maybe Mercury was right. He let out a small sigh, when he heard something behind him. 

"You done sulking?"

He jolted a bit, turning around, and saw Mars behind him

"Oh! Heyyy Mars! Knew you'd come around!"

Mars scoffed as Earth put his arm around his neck.

"I just came over since you were mumbling so much"

Earth looked at him in surprise. He had been 'mumbling'? Wait no, retracing back to what Mars said earlier, he was... sulking?

"Whaaat? What, noooo..! I wasn't!"

He certainly did feel down, but he didn't believe he was expressing it. Mars rolled his eyes.

"You were. I could hear you all the way from my orbit. And I have to admit, I got kinda concerned."

Earth looked over to him. Mars was concerned for him? He- what... Mars cared for him? No, he couldn't believe it that easily.

"Weren't you the one who said I was more toxic than Venus?"

He grumbled, and Mars sighed in slight frustration.

"Look- Earth. You may not have the best personality, but I'm... gonna be here for you if you need me."

Earth perked up. Was this really it?

"Thank you Mars! My new best fri-

"For the last time-!"

"Okay okay I wont push-"


Earth had grown closer and more attached to Mars... just like the old times! Except he felt kind of strange. He didn't know how to describe it. It was like- like he was about to explode, butterflies in his stomach, and he felt hot around Mars. He decided that he'd rather ask Mercury about it, not being on that good terms with Venus. As he neared Mercury's orbit, he barely dodged a solar flare, screaming in surprise. Mercury heard him, looking up and noticing Earth

"Uhh Earth? What are you doing here? Arent you hanging out with Mars?"

He instantly felt embarrassed- Mercury noticed them being so close? Wait no, why was he embarrassed? They were just friends!... right?

"Earth? Hello? Are you there?"

"Oh right right! Anyway, Mercury my small planet Buddy.. I have to ask you something"

Mercury frowned, upset. He opened his mouth to reply, only to be cut off by Earth.

"I'm NOT-"

"Say, I've been feeling strange around Mars..."

Mercury instantly forgot about what he was previously going to say, and leaned in towards Earth's words.

"Ohhh, and what are they?"

"It- it feels like... agh! It's hard to describe... and a bit embarrassing too."

He mumbled, hiding his face in his hands as he turned a bit red. Mercury had a cheeky smirk.

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