[Its beautiful] Mercury x Pluto

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(Request! Had a fun time writing this.)

The two wandered through the edges of Pluto's orbit. Mercury grasped onto Pluto, he felt a bit scared of a dark, and it was a bit cold too. He let out a small shudder, a misty breath escaping his mouth. He wasn't used to all of this- in fact- his orbit was the direct opposite of this. But what can you say? Pluto noticed Mercury's near death grip on him, and turned to the larger planet



Mercury looked at Pluto, looking to try seeing what was wrong, before realizing the tight hold he had on him.

"Oh- shoot sorry! Didn't mean to hold that hard!"

He chuckled a bit awkwardly, floating a bit away.

"No no- it's uh.. it's fine. You may not be used to this since your so close to the sun- and your so hot- and you generally orbit in a bright area-

"Wait what-"



"Sorry rambled too much-"

"It's fine.."

Pluto turned away from Mercury, and Mercury was a bit confused. He didn't know what exactly happened, or why Pluto turned away. Maybe it was something he said that embarrassed him. But in the dark, he couldn't help but once again gently hold Pluto's hand.

"Pluto... can you lead the way?"

"I- uh.. sure."

After a while, it was getting pretty cold, and dark. They were at the edges of the Kuiper Belt, now reaching near the Oort Cloud. Mercury murmured, a bit scared.

"Can we go back now..?"

Pluto looked towards him

"We're nearly there!"

"Where are we going anyway?"

"It's a surprise Mercury!"

"..Alright, I trust you."

Mercury said, holding on Pluto a bit tighter. Looking back to the solar system, he could see all the other planets. But he couldn't help but smile from how excited Pluto was, as continued to follow Pluto, easily being able to keep up

"Kay! So now, for this part, I need you to close your eyes."

"Oh- uh, okay."

He closed his eyes, and Pluto took both of his hands, guiding him through where they were going he couldn't help but blush a bit, and could feel the cold rush of air pass by them.

"Okay! Almost there..."

Pluto mumbled, and Mercury nodded to signify he heard it. After a few more minutes, Pluto exclaimed.

"Open your eyes!"

Mercury opened his eyes, and couldn't help but murmur in amazement. Beautiful comets streaked by, a blue-white-green-yellow tail following them. The stars twinkled softly behind them, and the atmosphere felt cozy, comfortable, and calming. Even though he was freezing couple of minutes ago, that all melted with the view.

"Wow Pluto I- this is beautiful.."

"Yeah, I heard about this comet event a while ago, I wanted to share it with you."

"Th-thanks. Love you.."

Mercury murmured, before giving Pluto a small kiss, which left the planet with a heart engraved in his surface, a red mess.


457 words- a tad bit short but I'm Tryna work on increasing my stories. I always write longer on my laptop for some reason and I'm on my iPad rn- Eh. ANYWAY CYA'LL AND I SWEAR IDK HOW TO WRITE THE SATURN X EARTH SUSISMEIFOSAOSMFMFJI- anyway Earth-Mercury platonic should be next.

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