[First Meet] Ganymede-Dione

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(Request- hehe lets do thissssssss idk what I did but ig this is a lil headcannon for yall to see :>> Also jazz is so good- I jam to it while studying n writing. Also this is before Ganymede began 'dating?' Europa s o yeah. Like. 3.7 billion years old. OK TO THE STORYYYY)

Ganymede yawned- he was bored! Bored of being bossed around by Jupiter all day, forced to stay in his orbit and do nothing else! And if he did want to leave his orbit- he had to ask the big guy- and only sometimes he let him go, or made him be accompanied by the other Galilean moons. Although he generally did talk to them, with his leadership, he became the 'boss' or 'leader' of sorts amongst them.

But he still wanted new interaction- He wanted to leave- or sneak out. He was around the same age as all the other objects in the system, its just that him being a moon was supposed to affect his personality?! No! He was an adult! So he could definitely leave without Jupiter noticing... right?

'Ganymede! What if you get caught! You'll get in so much trouble! Even so, you promised Jupiter not to leave orbit without telling him!'

He sighed, shoving that thought to the back of his head- too much like Io and his paranoia of being kidnapped by another planet. He could leave if he wanted- he was the biggest moon!

Ganymede soon slowly began to leave his orbit, sneaking past most of the other moons. The gravity pull became less and less noticeable. By the time it had mostly disappeared, he had become less careful, speeding up as he was about to-

He suddenly stopped, seeing Callisto move in front of him, swerving to the side so they wouldn't collide- yelling from the lack of control. Something he always craved. Meanwhile, Callisto watched this with a bored expression.

"You done yet?"

"Ah- hey Callisto! Didnt expect to see you here!..."

She blinked, and sighed,

"This, is my orbit. Ofcourse I'd be here. Now, Ganymede. Tell me what your doing out of your own orbit."

Ganymede stared, before awkwardly chuckling. He kept on forgetting Callisto was the moon farthest from Jupiter, and she always listened to him. So she would stop other moons from escaping...

"I'm uh- I'm going to... go visit Saturn!"

He said, thinking of a lie immediately. The heavily cratered moon didn't seem convinced, not moving out of the way.

"...Jupiter sent me."

Ganymede added, and Callisto raised an eyebrow, doubting him.

"Why wouldn't Jupiter go himself then, hm?"

He sweatdropped, looking around- and could see Jupiter wearing his reading glasses, as he read a book to some other moons.

"He's uhh... talking to the other moons..."

That was a lame lie. He'd probably get sent back wouldnt he? Well atleast he knew where Callisto would be in orbit so that he could sneak out successfully. Meanwhile, the heavily cratered moon stared at him, and glanced at the gas giant. She sighed, and moved out of the way

"Go run Jupiter's errands or whatever... I dont really care."

She said, and Ganymede lit up. Well- he supposed his lies were good. But he would have to work on them.

"Thanks Calli!"

He shouted, zooming past her, breaking free of Jupiter's gravity.

"No problem, errand boy."

"Wait WHA-"

Ganymede sighed, shaking his head. He could NOT deal with nicknames right now. Looking around, he spotted Saturn. He supposed he could head over there- to not bring suspicion, and also to maybe meet a moon or two. He could use some new friends- all of Jupiter's moons were aggravating.

As he neared the ringed planet after what seemed to be FOREVER (in all actuality, it was actually half an hour), he could see the moon system. And jeez, it was big- probably bigger than Jupiter's moon system! And he had around 90 something moons! The bigger moon passed by the many moons of Saturn, most of which looking like asteroids, and some others looking round like him. He couldnt help but notice a weird moon that was covered in a yellow-ish haze.. Eh-

His eyes gazed around, before landing on another moon. She looked... stunning, having craters in just the right amount, canyons running across her crust. She was a beautiful moon if he had ever seen one. He slowly began to float over to her.

"Why, hello there." Ganymede confidently began, as the other turned to face him. "Uh, hi? Who are you?" She asked, and Ganymede puffed up. "Im Ganymede, the biggest moon of the solar system!" He boasted, and she looked interested. Nice- alright, he was doing fine.

"What's your name, beautiful?" He asked, and the moon seemed a bit startled, but opened her mouth to reply-

"Gaymede? Is that you? I thought Jupiter kept all his moons in his orbit."

He and the other moon both jolted, startled at the sudden voice of Saturn. Ganymede turned, and the ringed planet was looking at him.

"Uhh.. yeah I-"

"Come on, then. Lets get you back. I hope Jupiter isnt too worried- I get worried sick if one of MY moons go missing!"

As Saturn rambled, the moon rolled her eyes.

"He doesnt. Only cares about Titan."


"Anyway, Gaymede, lets get you back to Jupiter."

Ganymede sighed, reluctantly.

"Fine... wait- GAYMEDE?!"

"Why? I thought thats your name?"


(Look I just HAD TO- Gaymede lol. Anyway here you go sorry for updating a day late but yeeeeeeeeeeeeee anyway Im in study hall screw my school since it makes us stay back till 5 pm, ggrggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr barely any free time. Should I make a fanfic? Anyway I poof to do hw. 956 words

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