[Dont..] Episode angst

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(Request! I totally got money from this and NWJE MIHDVJFKJ THIS EPISODE LEFT ME CRYING ON THE FLOOR AND CONCERNED MY ROOMMATE- I stirred up possibly every single bit of angst I could and made this soup of angst, making it more angsty than the original. Somehow. Enjoy  :>)

"Why do you try so hard..?"

Earth choked out, as Moon was a bit taken aback, glad that he stopped trying to float towards the sun, but replied almost instantaneously, saying the thoughts and concerns for his planet.

"Because we want YOU to try!"

He said pleadingly, looking beseechingly at Earth. He didnt want his closest friend- the one who had been with him for long, the one he used to share a body with... to die. Even if that is what he wanted, Moon couldnt bear that loss. Mercury floated towards them.

"What your doing is not a solution!-"

Mercury said, stepping up. Moon was glad that atleast somebody else felt the same way as he, and trying to prevent Earth's demise, but was cut off by Earth glaring at them, with an expression that made the pit in his stomach widen.

"It feels like a solution!"

The blue-green planet said, exasperated, turning to face them. His condition was terrible, having eyebags under his eyes, and having a downcast look.

"Its not, you know its not!"

Moon exclaimed, as Earth gained a slightly frustrated look, and he jumped back as the planet moved forward, crying out.

"Im in pain- ALL THE TIME!"

Moon flinched, looking at him concerned. He had a truly lost, and desperate look. It was in his eyes that you could see that he had given up. Mercury opened his mouth to speak.

"Earth, we cant possibly know what it is like to be you-"


He snapped, and Moon backed away, Mercury's eyes widening, his mouth snapping shut almost immediately. He could see and hear Earth's sadness and anger.

"You dont KNOW what its like to have life. Its like something you cradle, and take care of! But it changes you, it changes everything!"

He began to rant, his eyebrows furrowing in the explicable amount of frustration he felt. The cratered moon felt nervous, and empathetic. He wanted to comfort Earth, but currently he was in a semi-violent state.

"My Earthlings have been polluting me- and it feels like absolute torture! Don't you see, I can feel and hear everything little thing they do on me! Ive had to bear the pain and weight of this all, and then had to PRETEND everything's fine!"

Earth continued, his eyes squeezing from the intense emotion, the overload hitting him like a truck. All those emotions he'd been feeling, from the past- the frustrations, worries, anger, it came out like a waterfall and he couldn't stop it.

"AND I CARE FOR THEM! They're my Earthlings after all... I just feel special- I feel like I'm actually... something with them. With my life. It makes me different. I care for them.. They're my life..."

He looked down, not bothering to maintain eye contact, as tears began to prick his eyes. Memories flooded through his head, as he tried to keep his emotions under control. He had been able to, many times...

Moon stared, aghast. He may have been Earth's closest friend, but he never knew it was this bad... He immediately felt crushed. How come he didn't know about this? He could have comforted his friend if he had known beforehand... Before he couldnt think, he acted. The cratered moon dashed towards Earth, and his eyes widened, unable to have enough time to process and act before they would make contact. But Moon did something all too unexpected.

He hugged Earth.

The moon sobbed quietly, holding onto the bigger. The dam of emotions holding back his own emotions broke, and the exhausted planet tentatively hugged back, making contact with each other in a comforting way after years.

"P-Please Earth... don't.. You can change..."

The crestfallen Moon mumbled, unable to stop the stream of tears flowing down. Earth, although more controlive of his emotions, couldn't help as a few tears slid down, sighing.

"Im... sorry, Moon. I didnt mean for this to happen... I just- thought it would be for the better.."

The two held that same position, the only sound breaking the silence being Moons small weeps, barely audible.

"I-.. will you forgive me, Moon?"

Earth softly asked, his tired eyes lidded.

"Y-Yeah.. I do... although Im not the only one to apologize to."

Moon nodded, finally looking up, and breaking away from Earth, shaking away the last tears.

"But Earth.. Please- dont."

Earth looked at Moon, who had a pleading expression on his face. He sighed.


He stopped himself, considering his words, before muttering, a small smile gracing his lips.

"I want to be better."

Moon smiled softly, proud that he decided to choose this decision.

"Awh- guys... thats so cute..."

Mercury's voice broke the silence, startling the two, him wiping away a tear.

"I KNOW RIGHT MERCURY?!... Im so glad thats all settled- I was about to turn into a red giant from all this STRESS!"

The Sun said, his flares becoming a bit more violent at the final word, causing Earth to get splayed in Auroras, his eye twitching from the slight anger and stress.



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