[Dont cut me off!] What if?

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(Request! This be in notepad since im at school. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA also im tryna write longer- 500+ words per chap atleast)

"-With their strong velocity, they'll be flying right back at Mars!"

Jupiter explained to Saturn, watching the fight. Saturn nodded, understanding it. Mercury was on the sidelines, cheering for- who knows, his voice was too soft, and he was too far for the gas giants. Venus threw his asteroids at Mars, and Mars dodged them all- and narrowly missed an asteroid that was about to hit him, being able to duck just in time.


Jupiter spotted that same asteroid, and using his own gravity, he used that asteroid to send it back into the inner solar system. It caught Mars by surprise when it hit him, not expecting the asteroid

"Oof- wh- hey! How did that happen?"

He yelled, looking over at Earth as the blue and green planet blew his whistle for a few seconds, before looking up.

"That settles it! Round one, goes to Venus!"

He looked over to said planet, and both the competing planets were caught off guard.

"What- really?!"

"Wha- really? Thats awesome! WOOHOO! I knew I was better at this!"

Venus grinned, a shimmer of excitement flashing through his eyes, whooping in joy as he looked over to Mars.

"Take that Mars!"

He cheekily exclaimed, as Mars looked grumpy, and looked over to Earth, opening his mouth to protest. 

"Are you KIDDING ME? You didnt even-"

Mars began, before Earth floated over to him.

"Sorry Mars! Venus won FAIR and SQUARE! You gotta try harder if you want to prove your the better friend!"

Mars looked over at Earth, his eyes squinted in anger, getting closer to him.

"Venus DIDNT EVEN HIT ME! How can you call that fair, huh?" 

He asked, staring at Earth, who scoffed, looking back at Mars- in a somewhat inattentive and lazy manner.

"Venus threw that asteroid, that asteroid hit you-"

Mars could feel his anger growing any second, his lips thinning as his mantle boiled, and opened his mouth to cut off Earth.

"Sure sure- VENUS-" 

He looked at Venus, who looked a bit nervous compared to how he was a few seconds ago, and gulped, before staring back at Earth.

"VENUS may have thrown that asteroid, but it was JUPITER-"

Jupiter looked up from his conversation with Saturn, looking around, and spotted the fight, sighing. Saturn looked at the three inner planets and just backed away. Jupiter seemed done with this, and left with Saturn, claiming. "Im not cleaning up this mess, you three fix it yourself."

"JUPITER who threw the asteroid back! If Jupiter interfered- it would have never hit me! And then we could determine who the REAL winner was!" 

He claimed, as Earth backed away, sweatdropping as he took off his glasses, putting them away as he stared back at Mars.

"Yeah- but we cant continue the contest. Its already done!"

Earth explained to him, looking quite adamant about this decision, while Mars looked at him.



Mars looked at Earth, before sighing, looking a bit grumpy still, but having returned to his normal personality.

"Ugh- why do I even bother?"

He grumbled, as Earth popped up out of nowhere, his sunglasses back on.

"Time for our second contest!"

518 words- aaaaaaaaaaaaa alright so I did the challenge yippeeeeeee anyway I go for dinner. Saturn x Earth thing nearly donee

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