[Am I worth anything?] Venus angst

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(Request- waiting for the line for internet while typing this lmao. Really making a whole ahh storyline with this)

Venus wandered in his orbit, looking back at Earth. Was it really true? That Earth was friends with him just.. for validation? To make HIMSELF feel better? He should have known when Earth teased him for being habitable in the past. But he stayed next to Earth- too afraid to leave Earth, and possibly lose all his friends... He sighed, looking at his hand.

"Will I ever be able to control myself?"

It was his anger issues- the anger issues being the main problem that prevented him from making friends. He always pushed people away with his firey temper and short patience. No matter how much he tried- he always ended up blowing it. He couldnt help it- it was a part of himself. But... if this part of him- the part that made up most of his personality drove all the planets away from him, then should he get rid of it? But how... Venus slowly began to feel frustrated, and scrunched his face, grinding his teeth in anger. What could he do..? Seek help? He looked over to Mars, who was near the asteroid belt. Maybe- just maybe, he could ask a fellow planet whom he could tolerate somewhat.


Broooo my dorm parent was apparently watching me write for who knows how long before asking what I was writing about- send help AAAAAAAAAA- once again idk the word count. Ill edit that later.  250 words- damn that was short. ALso this comes before [We didnt know that]

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