[Im tired] Mars Angst

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(Request- damn I'm getting a lot of angst requests lmao and I have 0 ideas for them. Anyway I-)

Mars looked towards his two moons, Phobos and Deimos, currently rolling around and talking loudly. They were like children, and Mars would have to take care of them. He sighed as Phobos was tackled by Deimos. They were a troublesome duo... 

Well- troublesome duo would be an understatement, they were quite chaotic, and hard to control. They often pushed other moons away from them unintentionally, but they couldn't understand that with their erratic behavior.

That means they also pushed away planets if they got too rowdy... and speaking of planets, they were kind of.. falling apart. He had been trying his best to hold it all together while keeping his own boundaries set, and it still somehow fell apart.

Earth, with his boasting and ego, was just using them... and Venus was the little pawn in the entire 'game' while Mars was just the replaceable friend.. was he really that replaceable? He thought back to when Jupiter said 'there is a two of everything'. Even though it was directed to Earth, he couldn't help but think...

Would they even notice if he was gone? They could just replace him with his own double.. he sighed. This system was a maze- he was lost and confused. Mars didn't know what to do... his moons were always out of control, his relations with others were falling apart... all while he tried his best to keep up the act of being calm.

"I'm tired..."


255 WORDS I HAD NO IDEA HOW TO MAKE A MARS ANGST IM SORRY AGAHAHAHAHAHHAA- ITS SO SHORT anyway got an idea for Venus x Mercury but idk how to Saturn x Earth

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