[Importance] Sun Angst

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(Wooo I finally start writing in a schedule againnn hah. Anygays I finally have gotten over writing block and found an inch of free time sooooo yippee here we go. Take some angst >:) Also I feel this is semi original compared to most Sun angst I see so uh yay?

He is the Sun. The thing that holds the solar system together. Without him, Earth wouldn't have life. Without him, they'd be flung out into the empty void of space. Without him, they wouldn't even exist.

So why did they never acknowledge him? He was the biggest in the solar system, but nobody came close. Even his best friend, Mercury, preferred to stay with the other planets. Even when they were out of orbit! Was that because he was a star? Not a planet?

And even when he tried to interact with others, he couldn't get much more than a few sentences with them before they looked visibly uncomfortable. He ignored them in the past, but now he reflected back onto the past and was now just noticing these details.

His planets stayed away. It's not like he solar flares them for no good reason! It's just-.. It's to keep them in place! Make sure they don't destabilize their orbits and get ejected or go fly into him! It's for their own safety! It's for their own safety.

He tried, with his gravity, to pull them closer, to embrace somebody, to have somebody to talk with. Somebody who would listen to him and be his best friend. Somebody who he could tell everything to.

But they always stayed away, just enough to take in his light, his heat, and to be pulled by his gravity and be in stable orbits. Never any closer. But who could condemn the Sun anyways? His warmth was too consuming.

(Aaaack this is a bit short but erm was rushed a bit and I thought rlly hard how to make it longer but couldnt ;-;. Anywaaaaaaaaay yippeeeeeee this is done- Uranus angst next mwahhahahhahahahhaaaaaaaa 338 words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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