[Dance Partners] Pluto x Charon

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(Request! AAAAAAAAAAAA so um. Am goin thru s t u f f so slower updates dont mind- anyway enjoy this.

It had been some time since Pluto had stormed off, away from the rest of the dwarf planets. During that time, Charon had been with him loyally. As per usual, she was reminiscing about the times in the past. But this time, Pluto let her ramble on and on.

She took this as a cue to go into more detail, yet the dwarf planet didnt mind. Compared to other times, he enjoyed her talks this time. It took his mind off of what happened just recently. Closing his eyes, Charons voice flowed through the empty space

"And we would circle eachother, and stare into eachother's eyes, and we'd always talk and talk and talk... That was fun! It was like- like a dance, we'd dance around eachother!"

She exclaimed, doing a small spin for show. Pluto chuckled a bit, lazily opening his eyes. And thats when Charon got an idea, and turned to face Pluto.

"Oh! I know! How aboout we try doing it again?"

She suggested, and Pluto perked up, a bit hesitant. He wasnt really sure if he would want to do this.

"But- Charon. Its been a long time since we did, and besides, its just gravity-"

"Oh come on, Pluto! We both enjoyed it when we did it!"

The moon cut him off, holding his hands. He was a bit startled by the sudden movement, jolting away a bit, but eventually sighed.

"Alright, Charon. Lets do this."

She broke out into a grin, gripping his hands quite hard, and he winced, pulling away.

"Jeez- didnt know you were that excited."

He grumbled, shaking his hands to get rid of the dull pain in them.

"Ah, sorry! Anyway, come on!"

Charon fretted, taking his hand again and dragging him off to who knows where, Pluto letting out a surprised shriek.

They eventually arrived at their orbit, a place Pluto knew all too well. The asteroids that passed by his orbit, yet staying far enough away so they wouldnt crash into him. Its as if they had a mind of their own, but they werent alive. It was just basic knowledge.

"So, Charon. Mind explaining why we're... here?"

He asked, emphasizing on the last word as he waved to the general area of his orbit offhandedly.

"Well, I was thinking, that if we were in the place we always danced-"


"Then you could grasp a better understanding of what to do!"

Pluto groaned, a hand to his head.

"Charon, its all just gravity-"

She didnt let him finish, putting a hand to his mouth, to which he stopped speaking. Satisfied, she took him by the hand and they began to spin in orbit- dancing. And dancing it was, since the two spun around, a step forward, a twirl-. It was all quite exhilarating, but brought contentment to the two.

After a final spin, Pluto held his head, dizzy from all the movement, chuckling.

"I forgot how amazing it was."

"Heh- told you."

She chuckled, giving Pluto a small kiss on the cheek, leaving him shooting a banter at her while she laughed.

(Phew! I honestly was going back and forth on whether I should add that last scene. Decided to so uh yeah. Take this random thing I whipped up in 30 minutes- now time to run back to my terrible animation app- Krita. 582 word count!

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