[Puns] Sun x Mercury

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(Soooooo uh. Istg yalls giving me the hardest ships to write- THE SIZE DIFFERENCE AND LIKE. MERCURY'S RELUCTANCE TO HANG OUT WITH THE SUN KILLED ME IN THIS ONE- cute ship tho even if I personally don't ship it.

"Hey Mercury! Do you know what kind of job I have?"

Sun asked Mercury, who was absentmindedly listening, his thoughts wandering to his imagination "Uh- no...? What is it?" He replied, taking a glance at the Sun.


He burst into laughter at his own joke, and Mercury awkwardly laughed along. Sun then looked over at Mercury.

"Hey Mercury! Do you have any puns?" 

Sun asked, leaning in closer to Mercury, who inched away in order to not get scalded by the intense temperatures.

He was silent for a moment, trying to think of one.

"Well- uh-... what.. songs... do planets like to sing?"

"Ooh! Ooh! Is it... jazz?"

Mercury couldnt help but let out a small chuckle.

"Nep-tunes. Get it? Because tunes- as the song and Neptune as in the planet-"

Sun began to laugh, and grinned. 

"You know, thats a good one! Hehe! But my Sun Puns are the best!"

"Y-yeah- heh." 

Mercury muttered,  looking away and out to the other inner planets, all chatting and playing cards.

"Hey- hey! Wanna hear another pun?"

The sun asked gleefully, and Mercury let out an exasperated sigh.



GEP0: Timeskip brought to you by the Venus x Earth comics

GEP6: whaT-

GEP0: Look I don't make these timeskip cards-


"Soooo Sun... how are you?" 

Mercury asked. He had grown to somewhat enjoying the Sun's company now. Well- atleast when he wasn't sending solarflares in his direction. 

"...Soo how are you-"

Mercury asked, looking up at the Sun.

"Oh I'm fine! I'm uh... just watching the other planets."

"Is that all you do?"


There was a silence for a bit longer. Suddenly- the surrounding area began to heat up.

"Wait did you solar flare?"

Mercury asked, looking up at the sun.

"Uhh no? Why?"

"Because it just got hot in here-"

"I thought you were the hot thing."

The Sun replied, confused. Mercury shook his head, blush appearing on his face.

"I- Is that supposed to be a pun? Because YOU are a ball of gas. I'm just.. half hot half cold- oh."

Sun let out a laugh, but replied.

"Nope! Your hot!"

"I- uh- alright-"

Mercury mumbled, turning away from the sun to not let him see how red his face was.


(I THOUGHT I PUBLISHED GHIS FU- also sorry did is kinda short ;w;

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